Hong Kong police meets with demonstrate person surround give a warning of Du Ming gun to fuzz is sta
Harbor alarm surround thug of give a warning of Du Ming gun to kneel down suddenly netizen: Acting f
Last night, hong Kong fuzz is forced to fire a shot give a warning
Hong Kong police surrounds a doubt to be like fire a shot give a warning
Be besieged to stab life to suffer menace, hong Kong police is forced to fire a shot give a warning!
Guangxi one man holds that slope the knife provokes constabulary hackle patron wagon, after the poli
International of new developed area of river of knotweed of 2019 aid peaceful · half Cheng marathon
The man holds a knife to chase masses and policeman, police fires a shot subdue its after signal
[add video] " phut! Phut! " one man holds Beijing hill street corner the knife chases a policeman,
Jiangxi the Jinggang Mountains: "Country bicycle rides picnicky " fire a shot to surpass
Half Cheng marathon of Beijing fires a shot in Tiananmen Square
Just! Marathon of 2018 Harbin international fires a shot formally! Leave run
International of lake of Jinan annulus Mount Hua half Cheng marathon fires a shot by October
Be on duty patrol, encounter the resist arrest that hold a knife, I fire a shot the warning is inval