Assist state police detects case of false drugs bilk one case to arrest 3 suspects

Assist state police detects case of false drugs bilk one case to arrest 3 suspects

Province of Hubei of Yang Rui of reporter of month of annals of Liu of reporter of legal daily dispatch assists public security bureau of in relief city assists state branch bureau seized 3 fame and gain to put poison on the ice to undertake the suspect of bilk with the holiday recently. The policeman reminds, false drugs of even if buying and selling also is suspected of making illegal crime.

Policeman of terraqueous police station mastered Zhang Wan of substation of assist state public security an important clue: 3Nightly to morrow before dawn, the other place peddles poisonous personnel to want to undertake in assist this world drugs trades, contact place is in area under administration inside a guesthouse. Police spreads out cloth quickly to accuse, on March 23 before dawn captures buyers and sellers. Via detecting, experience case " drugs " the white crystal shape that is a packet of 450 grams industrial chemicals. Bargainor suspect is explained, its see about selling the information of false drugs profiteer, be called from a net through small letter then " high-tech puts a boss on the ice " false drugs was bought in hand selling the home. Handle a case policeman introduction, the 450 drugs that overcome a holiday, bargainor suspect spent 1800 yuan only, pass on sells more than yuan 130 thousand.

Current, experience case suspect already was detained by criminal.

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