Practice of dish of a few the daily life of a family, the health that oneself do delicate, family ha

Aubergine of eggplant juice chrysanthemum

Practice of dish of a few the daily life of a family, the health that oneself do delicate, family had to be spoken highly of


1. prepares to feed capable person: Green aubergine.

2. prepares to feed capable person: Tomato. Cut tomato man, bloat with white sugar.

3. aubergine cuts 3, about 4 centimeters long, show columnar even if transversely is spent to 3/4 position, all over with salt brush bloat soft.

4. is put boil in flour.

5. has oily pot, burn 6 into heat, put aubergine to go in scamper, flip through carefully, eggplant Pi Wei is anxious, scoop.

6. is placed dish.

Beef of asparagus of black any of several hot spice plants

Practice of dish of a few the daily life of a family, the health that oneself do delicate, family had to be spoken highly of


1. beef is abluent, cut piece hind with salt, cooking wine, juice of black any of several hot spice plants, unripe pink catchs divide evenly souse half hours, asparagus expurgation old skin is abluent cut paragraph, prepare garlic powder.

After asparagus scald water is being entered after the water inside 2. boiler leaves, scoop rinse clean, oil pours inside boiler, scoop bovine cutlet join explode after coming to become angry entirely, scoop.

3. leaves bottom oil to issue garlic powder to explode sweet, fry into asparagus stir-fry before stewing even.

4.Add salt to flavor fry come to be born, pour beef into stir-fry before stewing to fry moment again can flameout gives boiler

Tomato burns bean curd

Practice of dish of a few the daily life of a family, the health that oneself do delicate, family had to be spoken highly of

Feed capable person: Bean curd 2; Egg 1; Tomato 3; Shallot is right amount; Soy is right amount; Oyster sauce is right amount; Gallinaceous essence 1 small spoon; Water half bowls


1, egg break up becomes egg liquid. Shallot cuts end, tomato stripping and slicing. Bean curd cuts diamonds again diagonally cut trigonometry to reserve.

2, bean curd is put into egg fluid to stick full egg fluid to leave boiler again double-faced decoct comes golden. Fill piece reserve. Remove boiler additionally to pour the shallot below oil to explode sweet hind next tomato break up fry, fry to soft the bean curd with unload simmer in water good later piece, issue all condiment, enter the water burn again conflagration receives juice can.

Sweet hot lotus root piece

Practice of dish of a few the daily life of a family, the health that oneself do delicate, family had to be spoken highly of

With makings:

Lotus root; Green red bright chili one; A few of green ginger garlic; Unripe smoke a few


Flay of pond lotus root. Section. Chili of green ginger garlic gets ready. Into ginger garlic reachs a flavour in the boiler that heat up oil. Join lotus root piece cooking wine is unripe smoke break up fry even.

Fry green chili is joined to fry a piquancy after coming to be born. Adjust taste to come appropriate and delicious hot lotus root piece give boiler.

Evaporate bowl hairtail

Practice of dish of a few the daily life of a family, the health that oneself do delicate, family had to be spoken highly of


Oil of Chi of fish of ginger of hairtail, green, unripe pink, evaporate, unripe smoke, chili


1, clean hairtail clean, basically clean that black film inside abdomen, wash clean cut paragraphs small, put cooking wine is joined in salver, green ginger souse 10 minutes. The hairtail that has bloated wraps an unripe pink, put do not stick boiler decoct to finalize the design.

2, good decoct hairtail is placed in dish, scatter on green ginger, go up oil of evaporate fish Chi and unripe smoke. Need not put salt, the chili that drop a point puts evaporate of the conflagration in boiler 5 minutes, the green ginger inside the winkle after evaporate is good, scattering on green silk, it is good to irrigate one spoon to heat up oil.

Egg of green pepper skin

Practice of dish of a few the daily life of a family, the health that oneself do delicate, family had to be spoken highly of


1, leather egg shucks mortar shell, abluent in cold boiled water.

2, green pepper (choose old tender appropriate leather egg and small green pepper) with a bamboo the autograph is put on, burn on fire ripe, wipe with clean sanded cloth clean, go the base of a fruit goes seed, the chop that use a knife is fine reserve.

3, be opposite every skin egg analyse two valve, every valve changes 4 small piece, place into dish, put the green pepper with fine chop, gourmet powder, balm, soy smooth, drench go up in leather egg can.

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