SKT is cruel final of the push forward that hit KZ, faker A Ka Liyi is hit 4, guan Zeyuan cries grea

Heroic alliance was surpassed after LCK season April 7 today, by group of battle of KZ of antagonism of SKT battle group. At present SKT battle group had gained two victories, only poor get the better of can acquire finals entrance ticket! The metaphase before Sailasi gets Faker of the 2nd match to death a bit much, TP frontier way is assisted was to pass however send, KZ battle group holds active advantageous position ceaseless webbing is diversionary, do SKT battle group is very afflictively. Fortunately in the Chanruicisai on later period KZ thought up a problem, sailasi opens Faker a few times the group also is done very well, because group of this SKT battle is finished,break up dish. And the lineup of final later stage that group of battle of KZ of the 3rd match took out czar Xi Weier, look they want to live firmly to hope finally very much, let us watch bilateral battle array.

SKT battle group: Sailasi, mantis, Akali, EZ, Jialiao

KZ battle group: Kennan, emperor child, Mu of czar, Xiweier, tower

SKT is cruel final of the push forward that hit KZ, faker A Ka Liyi is hit 4, guan Zeyuan cries greatly: The king of assassin!

Development of peace of early days both sides, till 12 minutes of Faker Ka Li of half blood A is opposite actively KZ czar starts work, be turned over to push a tower by big move. Faker A Kali hits czar into filar blood, big move assists Rangjialiao, again lighten out tower.

Right now KZ tower Mu arrives in time, get down czar, bring about Jialiao enrols SKT to did not attack flying czar greatly. KZ czar is a bit right now indescribable, rangdamu spits him forth, want to grab poll it seems that. Then SKT skill of a Q receives Jialiao below one blood, again flash desert.

SKT is cruel final of the push forward that hit KZ, faker A Ka Liyi is hit 4, guan Zeyuan cries greatly: The king of assassin!

Mantis of 14 minutes of SKT takes next gorge pioneers. Group of battle of 15 minutes of KZ takes firedrake forcibly, but start off one blood tower is pushed to make the same score. Mantis of 17 minutes of SKT kills KZ Xi Weier in wadi sheet, KZ czar comes collect next mantis character. And Akali also drove Faker to come over, direct sheet kills czar. Final SKT3 person is approached again medium one tower, jump over a tower to kill KZ emperor by force child, nevertheless the gorge pioneer of SKT mantis is wasted.

SKT is cruel final of the push forward that hit KZ, faker A Ka Liyi is hit 4, guan Zeyuan cries greatly: The king of assassin!

Mantis of 21 minutes of SKT takes next firedrake, swim again next roads jump over a tower to change KZ czar by force, and SKT two-men group was pushed medium one tower. A Kali of 26 minutes of Faker cooperates EZ to jump over a tower to kill KZ tower Mu by force, the road in be being pushed 2 towers, take earthy a surname again.

Group of battle of 29 minutes of SKT is pushed drop 2 towers, right now KZ battle group make decision-making, 4 people make big a surname forcibly. Result Faker A Kali enters a dozen 4, direct second dropped KZ emperor child, explanation Guan Zeyuan cries greatly: "The king of assassin! "The king of assassin!!

SKT is cruel final of the push forward that hit KZ, faker A Ka Liyi is hit 4, guan Zeyuan cries greatly: The king of assassin!

SKT is cruel final of the push forward that hit KZ, faker A Ka Liyi is hit 4, guan Zeyuan cries greatly: The king of assassin!

Right now KZ3 person can hind remove, TP assists Kennan, but the position is very awkward, 4 people are wrapped to place by around of SKT battle group, nowhere can escape. Then KZ czar stands removed sun disc, want to have a solemn and stirring campaign. Final SKT adds li of abstruse flash to sneer at 4 people, cooperate SKT big move reaps the Kennan that Sailasi comes to secretly, hit 1 change the round battle of 4, turn start off raise again!

SKT is cruel final of the push forward that hit KZ, faker A Ka Liyi is hit 4, guan Zeyuan cries greatly: The king of assassin!

Later KZ battle group can passive defend, SKT battle group takes next big a surname easily when 35 minutes. On the offensive of EQ of czar of 36 minutes of KZ, fail to push an EZ however, KZ tower Mu has driven, this round war can be received forcedly only. KZ battle group with 5 dozens 4, but the output that cannot restrict EZ completely, czar is direct by the second, greet be defeated. Group of final SKT battle with 3 than the military successes of 0, win the victory that played the game!

SKT is cruel final of the push forward that hit KZ, faker A Ka Liyi is hit 4, guan Zeyuan cries greatly: The king of assassin!

The play of before KZ battle group two matches is very good, hit so that have with SKT battle group will have time, but on one is turned over dish be the self-confident heart be thwarted that lets them really, group of battle of KZ of the 3rd match chose investigate extremely fight the battle array that control, do not think move and SKT battle group fought. Result KZ is complete member appeared error, do not live firmly condition, decision-making very confused also, be taken easily by SKT battle group next victories. The expression of the Pawn after contest very plunge into a heart, he is a person that KZ battle group behaves best today, deft appears a little inferior instead. But the 3rd czar sends Pawn one blood later, flash jumps facial mantis, still have last obtrusive on the offensive, can see the state of mind of Pawn has died.

SKT is cruel final of the push forward that hit KZ, faker A Ka Liyi is hit 4, guan Zeyuan cries greatly: The king of assassin!

And the condition of SKT battle group is first-rate, first time of Teddy leaving a way hits BO5 of the contest after season, but the expression of 3 matches is over today exploded Deft, won't because lack contest experience and play is wrong! Road Faker also is beautiful in gave skill assassin A Kali, take in the crowd enemy chopped-off head, big dragon hole groups of a dozen 4 battle letting KZ break down thoroughly, who still says Faker can put female Jialiao on the ice only? Faker just is in make sacrifice for the group, li Ge or your Li Ge!

Two years are lain between when Faker, taking finals of LCK of regain of SKT battle group, will contend for champion with GRF battle group, the development that allows the competition when we expect!

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