Through much square joint efforts, recently, initial design carries item of project of processing of flat of water system of Hong Xinhe of bosom of the Anhui province give an official of hall of irrigation works of the Anhui province, this indicates the job completes a project earlier stage entirely, main body project has executive requirement.
It is reported, the Anhui province conceives flat of Hong Xinhe water system to administer a project is the State Council one of 172 major water conservancy project, involve mussel port city county of area of bridge of of city of the area on 5 rivers county, solid town county, Huai Yuan county, the Huaihe River, old state, clever a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center, Si county, the 8 counties of 3 city such as county of brook of Sui of city of north of the Huaihe River (area) , always invest 2.4 billion yuan. Project processing limits includes to conceive Hong Xinhe river of bridge of river of river of a small bay in a river of two sides, Tang He, north, Hui river, a small bay in a river, stone, river 7 flat, flat gross area 4687 square kilometer. The project plans to build, consolidate dikes 47.93 kilometers, the solid that fill a pond base 5.47 kilometers, slope protection removes a bank 19.11 kilometers, construction bank carries flood prevention road on the head 25.93 kilometers, dredge wadi 202.96 kilometers, dry channel of dredge drain flooded fields, cast aside big channel 200.01 kilometers, new (change) build pumping station 15, contain brake 106, bridge wait 82 times. The project is carried out to increasing capacity of catchment drain flooded fields in the round, improve place to produce living conditions, promote region economy development, safety of safeguard country food has important sense.