Another! Sichuan canal county one man is abuse hero of the fire fighting in wood by punishment arres

(original title: Sichuan of hero of the fire fighting in abuse wood canal county one man by punishment arrest)

On March 30, the county in wood of Sichuan cool hill produces silvan fire, 31 fire fighting heroes are gobbled up by conflagration callosity. Grieve over in the whole nation when, somebody is encircled in the friend however " loiter " the heat of martyr of cool hill sacrifice, hero of barefaced and abuse fire fighting, draw netizen condemn.

Another! Sichuan canal county one man is abuse hero of the fire fighting in wood by punishment arrest

Jiangxi woman Zhong Mou is captured

Another! Sichuan canal county one man is abuse hero of the fire fighting in wood by punishment arrest

The check of opinion on public affairs that Chen Mou China issues pursues

Not come singly but in pairs, net of public security bureau installs detachment to also discovered similar incident one case in go on a tour of inspection a few days ago: Woman Zhong Mou of 26 years old, the video that because see Sichuan cool hill,fireman put out a fire sacrifices, think Sichuan past years produces big calamity catastrophe, arose to detest a mood to Sichuan, publish opinion on public affairs to abuse Sichuan person then.

Another! Sichuan canal county one man is abuse hero of the fire fighting in wood by punishment arrest

Chen Mou of man of Sichuan canal county China be captured

Late on April 4, net of substation of tribute of Jiangxi province chapter brings a group jointly with the police station austral water, lawfully subpoena Zhong Mou accepts investigation to public security mechanism. Classics policeman criticizes education, zhong Mou realizes his error.

Current, because Zhong Mou is suspected of provoke affray blame already by police lawfully criminal is detained.

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