Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

Civil / 20 old

How does stannum wear Nike gym shoes explode, cause brand of numerous gym shoes mad grab, this incident was done not have in the past long, bigger thing happening!

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Involve even in this boodle and extortionate!

A lawyer of American California is being pushed go up especially explode makings, the mother that stannum brings closed to be able to bear or endure of the gram " bribery " , let Xianjia enter with be able to bear or endure the school with relative gram.

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

This thing exposes to the sun after going out, du Ke university expresses to investigating this matter, certain thorough is checked after all.

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

And more exciting is this lawyer claims, oneself mastered the evidence that a lot of Nike boodle like the player, coerce Nike to pay the heal of 2000 much dollars fee to him.

The near future he already was arrested by police because of blackmail.

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

All these is not an empty hole invites the wind-weakness lends wings to rumors, boodle after all incident also is not first time happens in college basketball. FBI published a report about college basketball corruption before.

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

Among them 20 many top class players involve collection " advantage is expended " . Amid of Ma Ye of at present of Fu Erci, library.

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

"Does stannum bring incident 2 performed? "Does stannum bring incident 2 performed??

@_280_ : Stannum of ball brother father brings son of Mom major hole.

@HerraWei: It is sanded carve mother really, still lack this bit of cash into Nba?

@LuckeyLiu: I know, adidasi wears the moment in Xi Angao well, how can like suddenly to go up be able to bear or endure overcame!

@ Philadelphia 76 people total champion: Person red dispute is much.

Nv of @ hold back: So much of annual birds and beasts, autonomic ability lets a talent become Wang Zhe, bear temporarily, scene generation, do not destroy in start!

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

Although say the fact has not confirmed nowadays, but if the mother receives bribery,be true if, the figure that this can bring to stannum and future are affected very much!

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

How the stannum nowadays can say really is connate different report, the wonder that sees inaccessibly, wanting the company that signs him is everywhere, entered NBA directly, do not need money absolutely.

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

Often say like people, say to one person can compares Lebulang year after year, but so old past, of Le Bulang have only truly really! Ball ability and endowment are not in this, more self-discipline that are itself!

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

Today, hart team makes alliance the first comes to 60 success team. And elder brother of their letter of n/COL the head of a family star is in receive NBA when brushstroke salary, a minute not remnant returns the home entirely, him ran goes field!

Probably this is why he can serve as MVP is big this year popular account!

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

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Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

Ha Dengxin shoe comes!

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

"Ross of this sports season does not have any award, is he great still? Is he great still??

Stannum brings the major issue on booth! Receive bribery!

"Be able to bear or endure once only all one's life tall! And we, also do not have. . . . ..

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