Blow of severity of ferry action Piao is put illegally borrow, encourage inform against relevant cle

Blow of severity of ferry action Piao is put illegally borrow, encourage inform against relevant clew

Yesterday, blame of department of city banking bureau, city does, city punish does release " inform against about encouraging put the announcement that borrows clew illegally " (the following abbreviation " announcement " ) , the union since this day is swept black except evil special accuse and denounce at a meeting, begin severe blow " cover a road to borrow " wait to be put illegally shift evil activity of experience black experience special operation, encourage broad citizen and inform against in school undergraduate group put illegally borrow clew.

" announcement " encourage each college of citizen and city to be put illegally in what school undergraduate discovers Tianjin city is registered borrow organization and clew of illegal banking activity, to the our city management department of various place finance, national finance management department is informed against in our city agency, to Tianjin city mechanism of various public security reports a case to the security authorities. Announced inform against a hot line: City banking bureau can be dialed in working hours (city department blame does, city punish does) sweep black except evil inform against a phone 022, 58980006, city collects money illegally inform against a phone 022, 23601731, precaution and law of blow economy crime seek advice from service special railway line 022, 23990110, or undertake informing against through the channel such as mailbox. City banking bureau (city department blame does, city punish does) will sweep jointly with city cheek by jowl black do, silver of branch of person travel Tianjin, Tianjin protects letter of net of public security bureau of inspect bureau, city, municipal Party committee to do, the branch such as city communication management board, collective severe to giving via checked clew blow.

" announcement " remind, citizen and be in in school undergraduate before informing against, understand as far as possible please put illegally lend name of number of orgnaization, network address, APP, public, register the basic message such as the ground, collect very leasehold contract, " behead ceases " , abnormal usury rate, be urged to close by force, imprison illegally, annoy urge close, get individual address book illegally to get individual privacy information information, illegally, by revulsive participate in " after the mobile phone makes work, answer hire.

Editor | Chi Mei

Proofread | Sai Qi

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