True love? Wide install woman net to love " the United States commons soldier " be about to collec

True love? Wide install woman net to love " the United States commons soldier " be about to collect fraud of a huge sum of money! Bilk of telecommunication of policeman get behind prevents remittance to avoid a loss

"I should be in at 2 o'clock half before remittance goes, otherwise you should recoup my loss! " " I am done not have mad also do not have insane, do not want you to be in charge of! " " does the country go money to raise you to let you intermeddle namely? ! " on March 28 afternoon 2 when, in subbranch of a bank of Agriculture Bank wide An Huaqiao, li Fang of a middleaged woman (alias) to policeman and bank clerk shout abuse, be determined to remit money of a new account 258 thousand yuan.

Final, the policeman persuades Li Fang, stop her remit money successfully. Is this after all how one and the same?

Encounter " American soldier "

For " male friend " pay " express is expended " more than yuan 40 thousand

Li Fang is wide bridge of the flower that bring a district presses down a person, this year 43 years old. She does not have formal job, the husband is the pillar in the home, the child still is reading elementary school.

"Plum of the people's livelihood " profess lone, never wive. He tells Li Fang, he is beautiful book Chinese, join the army 32 years in American army, entered Afghan battle, be about to retire this year, will obtain brushstroke to retire rich and generously gold -- 200 million dollar and 10 box gold, the plan after expressing clearly still to retire returns motherland life.

In chatting often, two people feeling warms up quickly. "Plum of the people's livelihood " the credit that wins Li Fang gradually. Be in " plum of the people's livelihood " " sugar-coated bullet " below offensive, li Fang is immersed in love river quickly, imagine move and net to love male friend to spend the remainder of one's life in all.

On March 25, "Plum of the people's livelihood " inform Li Fang, the package that wants to will be accumulated all one's life of its sends her from Afghan mail, claim all gold are in wrap up, so that do not have even freight method,pay. Accordingly, li Fang is none hesitant the ground to " plum of the people's livelihood " appointed Zhang date remittance serves as freight 48964.98 yuan.

On March 28, "Plum of the people's livelihood " Xiang Lifang gives out again urgent appeal: Wrap up is detained by branch of local edge check when Afghanistan leaves the country, if wrap up is opened,box is checked, the valuable inside can be confiscated, be badly in need of 40 thousand dollar now (about 258 thousand RMB) " dredge concerns " , must fall that day midday 2 when the remittance 30 minutes ago, meet him cause huge pecuniary loss otherwise.

258 thousand yuan! This can not be brushstroke small amount. Time is pressing, the lover that Li Fang is considering distance is isolated in predicament without aid fraught, have not enough time to think carefully, she is hiding the truth from the husband and family, to relatives and friends, neighbour, scrape together, assemble became neat 258 thousand yuan.

Fraud of interlink of policeman get behind

"The United States commons soldier " it is telegraphic bilk gang unexpectedly

That day, li Fang has eaten lunch hurriedly, nearby is driven toward the Agriculture Bank near the home subbranch of a bank of the wide bridge that bring a flower intends remit money. Li Fang circumstances or style of departure collects big money to new account hurriedly, caused the attention of bank clerk.

"We suspect she was cheated, still called up her family, but how to also persuade. " Chen Lin of president of subbranch of a bank of the wide bridge that bring a flower says the Agriculture Bank, the account of Li Fang remittance is churchyard, because amount is large, the bank turns authorization of Zhang need president, he questioned object of Li Fang remittance and use seriously when accredit, but she is behaved very mysteriously however, very impatient also, "But under, we signed up for alarm. We signed up for alarm..

Afternoon 2 when, yang Guodong of police inspector of beautiful bridge of substation of the wide public security that bring a district is received alarm hind, guide a policeman to be driven quickly go to the spot. When the policeman preparation asks Qing Lailong goes when arteries and veins, woman mood out of control, do not agree to cooperate, reject to answer the policeman's query.

Ground of time every little bit elapses, afternoon after 2:30, the remittance time that agrees soon already passed, li Fang disposition is more irratable, angry rancorring policeman is protracted time, let its recoup pecuniary loss. Be persuaded repeatedly in what the policeman reachs its household and ask to fall, li Fang allows a policeman finally to examine its to chat information.

True love? Wide install woman net to love " the United States commons soldier " be about to collect fraud of a huge sum of money! Bilk of telecommunication of policeman get behind prevents remittance to avoid a loss

When just when Yang Guodong examines small letter to chat,be being recorded, "Plum of the people's livelihood " send a small letter, ask Li Fang remit money. Enquire when the policeman " plum of the people's livelihood " who be when, li Fang considers the left and right sides and character he. Policeman take advantage of an opportunity is passed small letter and " plum of the people's livelihood " chat, one one pared the trick of cheater. Meanwhile, policeman general alarm call the police on affection Wu headquarters, install a branch to assist check through punishment detect, net.

The policeman persuades 3 hours painstakingly, li Fang's family more believe firmly this is premeditate long already fraud, but Li Fang still obstinately stick to a wrong course, do not agree to believe she was cheated from beginning to end. Final, this remittance disturbance confiscates a bank to get stuck with Li Fang's family, bring back its a wind up.

"Classics check, so called ' plum of the people's livelihood ' do not be in Afghanistan, be in however African Ghana, this is telegraphic bilk. " Yang Guodong says, police spreads out the clue that provides according to Li Fang to be investigated further, current, in the job is being investigated to be being begun further related the case.

"The hope is broad citizen learn a lesson, vigilant and telegraphic bilk. " the policeman also warns broad citizen.

Reporter feeling character:

These case are thought-provoking. Investigate its reason, advocate if ministry hive off is numerous vigilance is not tall, fall into the decoy of telegraphic bilk easily. Network love, hand in friend to want discretion, should receive variety of the other side 100 turn Zhang, investment, borrow the reason such as money, not credulous, keep one's hair on, beware be decieved, do not invite vanity cause trouble, let a net love turn sb's head. In the meantime, should read a book more, read a newspaper, widen horizon, increase be on guard consciousness, the person that has protected oneself, belongings is safe, do not let a criminal take advantage. (wide install Wang Lin of Jing of Liu of reporter of daily entire media)

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