City education bureau is newest announcement! These behavior should be fathered to check!

City education bureau is newest announcement! These behavior should be fathered to check! City education bureau is newest announcement! These behavior should be fathered to check!

On April 9, bureau of education of Xing stage city holds special subject meeting, came on stage " middle and primary school violates act of compasses recruit students special punish implements plan " , the decision began middle and primary school to violate act of compasses recruit students in whole town 2019 special punish works, exert oneself solves masses of domain of recruit students of whole town middle and primary school to reflect intense outstanding problem.

6 punish key

1, compulsory education level is general managerial school " delimit a recruit students, nearby is avoided try enter a school " executive circumstance. Limits of recruit students of scientific and reasonable delimit, satisfy children of of the right age to closer from actual residence dwelling place school to be read as far as possible fulfil a circumstance;

2, school of junior high school violates compasses organization to take an exam (or covert exam) , use all sorts of contest achievement to recruit choose student;

3, fair do school of average high school to exceed a plan recruit students, cross area recruit students, violate rule proper motion to organize an exam (or covert exam) admit ahead of schedule (or acceptance is admitted) student;

4, school of run by the local people is violated compasses ahead of schedule conduct propaganda, recruit students, admit ahead of schedule (or acceptance is admitted) student, exceed a plan recruit students, violate compasses cross area recruit students to wait;

5, forehead of initial year class controls a circumstance, school of compulsory education level divides the case such as speed class, key class;

6, school of middle and primary school and orgnaization of of all kinds society are colluded with gather information of source of student, organize recruit students activity to wait ahead of schedule.

5 punish phase

This special repair work begins to come to end basically in November from April, cent is research deploy, check oneself from correct, supervise and urge examination, observe publicly and investigate privately, summary raises 5 level, each phase presses stubble to undertake.

In each county urban district, city straight each school checks the foundation from correct oneself, city education bureau goes to compositive inspection team each county urban district, city straight each school has conduct a thorough investigation; Censorial branch constitutes be careful in one's conduct of education, record group of test of association, nonsked undertake selectiving examination dark visit; To discovery violate discipline to violate clew, hand in immediately do, dog supervise and direct, deadline does a form, typical issue reports exposure publicly, accomplish discovery to be handled one case together stoutly.

Gravity is chased after accusatorial duty

Each county urban district teachs bureau a hand to be in charge of total to this special punish, belong to president of middle and primary school to sign book of responsibility of job of year recruit students with place; Make progress in time to the job the logy, school that advances not do one's best, problem to center much hair, talk about its president publicly about; Bad to causing influence or serious and sequential school, inspect clue weight to offer notice of criticism, investigate a party to an undertaking and relevant personnel duty. To according to of school of run by the local people concerned regulation gives reduce recruit students of below one year plan, stop in those days recruit students till the punishment such as revoke education licence. Rise to processing truly inconvenient is great, complex case, be in charge of report superior the branch or deliver check of the discipline that be the same as class censorial mechanism, gravity is chased after accusatorial duty.

Middle and primary school of city education bureau violates act of compasses recruit students special punish supervises inform against a phone to be: 2235819, 2235803, 2235804.

City education bureau is newest announcement! These behavior should be fathered to check!
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