Collect money illegally the experience that crime belongs to a model is numerous model economy commits a crime, have experience record amount number of big, fall victim is much, commit the crime cycle is long wait for a characteristic, the paragraph collects money for the most part after most case case is sent already by prodigal, move, hide, capital is returned still lead low, collect money masses is disastrous.
Although include media inside Duobumentong crosses much channel, give out be far from the caution that collects money illegally, but this kind of illegal behavior still happens from time to tome.
High interest is done " bait " drape " lawful " appearance
Crime of economy of Tianjin city public security bureau investigates total fleet 12 detachment detachment grows Li Shuxin to express, collect money illegally to prevail time and again, "Redound of high specified number " it is all in all " bait " . "Collect money illegally the psychology that initiator aimed at a few people to be eager to profiteering just about, have the market get one's own back of high specified number through dummy product or project, to accrual of investor promise high specified number, below tremendous temptation, a few masses jump into the trap that collects money illegally in succession. A few masses jump into the trap that collects money illegally in succession..
Meanwhile, collect money illegally mobile organizer itself often has huge to cheat gender and camouflage sex. It is reported, in Tianjin city court of the 2nd intermediate people tries came 2016 in the entire case 2018, great majority collects money with company name, solid for natural person behavior. They register the goal that establishs a company, it is to drape " lawful " appearance, more concealment the ground is engaged in collecting money illegally guilty activity.
"The criminal relies on the company that registers legally, enterprise, invest in order to answer construction of new rural area of national industry policy, support, project, entrust conduct financial transactions to wait for cover, clever camouflage, intended and promiscuous collect money illegally the bounds with lawful financing. " Song Fei of court of the 2nd intermediate people Judge Xing Erting says Tianjin town.
"The step that the criminal draws fund puzzles the gender is very strong. " Introduction Song Fei, kind of some case conduct propaganda are unique, if pass,recommend meeting, Internet, or it is to invite social community to look around, the means such as the experience undertakes, borrow this to engraft to social community company development prospect is good, can short-term inside implementation fortune is cruel added sense, undertake to social community " brainwashing " type is incendiary, and redound of Xu Yigao forehead, bring about a lot of people to believe and have investment. Some cases " feel pulse " social community psychology, if cater to current society " collect heat " , with a few do not have the calligraphy and painting with the coin that collects value or artistic not high value to be agency, have fun at to collecting to those but the multitude that does not have corresponding appreciate capacity again draws fund. Some case methods concealment, if pass,release help wanted, will apply for personnel to induct after be employee, it is bait with different job, draw fund to its.
Be on guard to collect money illegally listen to an expert how to say
"Freeboard accrual is suspect, social community should promote safety to be on guard consciousness, enhance sex of the vigilance that commits a crime to collecting money illegally, acumen. " Li Bing of presiding judge of Xing Erting of court of the 2nd intermediate people represents Tianjin city, danger of normal zephyr of earnings of product of investment conduct financial transactions should become direct ratio, income is higher the risk is bigger. If recommend so-called risk the product with low, high income, affirmatory even accrual is more multiple than tower above of bank conduct financial transactions, probable either " pasty " however " trap " .
Additional, face the public, investment project that does not set a threshold to answer vigilant. Extend in street, community small advertisement use public manner to face not specific and most person to undertake conduct propaganda, whether is investor of both neither care eligible investor, whether is also caring investor to have risk identifying capacity, more do not undertake relevant risk hints, such investment project should height is vigilant.
In addition, acquaintance introduction should take care, the heart is put cannot take by good luck. Illegal element often is used relatively close accredit concerns between kin, friend, classmate, fellow villager, let investor arise " this is such-and-such acquaintance introduction, should do not have a problem " " such-and-such also attended, it is acquaintance, affirmative won't hole my " wait for fluky psychology. To the investment product of acquaintance introduction, project or business, must understand a situation first, not blind and credulous, cursory make investment decide.
Crime of economy of Tianjin city public security bureau investigates total fleet Liu Xuezhu of assistant total team leader reminds, if encounter the following one of 10 kinds of case " investment " " conduct financial transactions " project be sure to vigilant.
It is with " see ad, earn extra income " " consumption returns profit " those who be cover. 2 it is cover with investing the equity outside the condition, period authority, foreign currency, precious metal to wait. 3 be can win get one's own back of high specified number in order to invest industry of provide for the aged or " free " provide for the aged is cover. 4 be become a shareholder with illicit collect, partnership does an enterprise to be cover, but do not conduct a business industrial and commercial register those who register. 5 be in order to invest " fictitious money " " area piece catenary " wait for those who be cover. 6 be with " help deficient up " " beneficent " " help each other " wait for those who be cover. 7 be exceed in street, business extend advertising. 8 be make an on-the-spot investigation in order to organize, the means such as travel, lecture solicits senile masses. 9 be " investment " " conduct financial transactions " company, website and server are in outside the condition. 10 it is a requirement with cash means or invest a money to pay of the individual account, account outside the condition.
Vigilant 4 kinds collect money illegally method
High interest conduct financial transactions: Disobey national finance to manage code namely, below the condition that approves without concerning a section, face a society not specific crowd, use the means such as network, handbill and buccal mouth according to legend to undertake conduct propaganda, acceptance gives Fu Gao frontal accrual get one's own back repay captital with interest inside proper time, in order to sign the form such as agreement of investment conduct financial transactions, carry out collect money illegally activity.
November 2010, fund of some equity investment manages Tianjin finite liability company holds water, lu Mou of the accused person, Chen Mou takes up the post of general manager, vise general manager respectively. Pass after various suck put, city of the Zhengzhou city, city that install this world, new rural area, mesa town is visited in Henan, the area visitting town such as city of city of city of chicken of Shaanxi province treasure, Liaoning province Dalian, Guangdong province Shenzhen creates branch or agency in succession, in without the country relevant section is approved, did not obtain financial industry to fall from the circumstance of job seniority, ballyhoo company fund, " Zhuo Zhi accuses " stock and " blame turn gene soja " wait for investment project, be restricted with by a definite date of 12 6 3 months, months, months, with monthly interest 3 % are bait to the accrual of high specified number of 8 % , entrust conduct financial transactions in order to sign to invest the way such as the agreement, in countrywide limits introversion not specific target absorbs the public illegally to deposit money, use at project of financing of be pacified early days to expire should the contract debt of cash. To 2011 first half of the year, the case involves many province city of countrywide, involve collect money personnel 3800 people, absorb amount of public deposit contract illegally 491, 778, 365 yuan, real pay amount 423, 919, 192 yuan, the amount that return a money 63, 774, 688 yuan, collect money the person is real loss amount 342, 548, 404 yuan.
Fiction assures model: Fall in the condition that did not obtain relevant banking license namely, with false building guaranty creditor's rights collects money illegally to not specific crowd to assure.
In January 2015, yao Mou of the accused person to alleviate its are in debt pressure establishs company of a financing, the purpose is to draw fund next lend earns accrual difference. This company sets area of Chi of action trade business department, innovation business ministry and division of setose thiste state, static sea area, treasure to do business ministry. In April 2015 ~2016 year between May, the accused person falls in the condition that did not obtain relevant banking license, distribute conduct propaganda of the handbill, phone to reach through the clerk hold recommend the means such as the meeting to be publicized to Tianjin society community " Xin year " " Shuang Jibao " " the month is filled with treasure " wait for product of conduct financial transactions, with monthly interest 10 % , 15 % are bait, with false building guaranty creditor's rights draws fund to not specific personnel to assure. Via checking, the accused person adds up to absorb public deposit RMB more than yuan 38 million, involve masses 310 people, cause public loss RMB 3656. 40.99 million yuan. The accused person uses absorption fund at repaying individual liabilities, pay collect money share person principal interest, employee commission and invest external etc, still have a share in addition more than whereaboutldirection is unidentified.
Religion of make use of: Namely dummy company controller is fastened " Budda Bodhisattva " reincarnation, conduct propaganda invests a department to accumulate the merits and virtues, thing that make kind in this company, it is difficult to can help investor disappear calamity solve, promise is tall at the same time frontal redound, face a society to collect money illegally.
2011 ~2015 year, wang Mou of the accused person, Yin Mou parts to publicize Beijing some company and Heibei of its subordinate subsidiary publicly to save some company external in new developed area of Tianjin city seaside, fasten with company controller " Budda Bodhisattva " reincarnation, conduct propaganda invests a department to accumulate the merits and virtues, thing that make kind in this company, it is difficult to can help investor disappear calamity solve, promise is tall at the same time the form of frontal redound, below the condition that approves about financial orgnaization without the country, undertake conduct propaganda through the means such as buccal mouth according to legend, acquaintance introduction, draw fund illegally to social community, among them Wang Mou absorbs capital illegally to amount to more than yuan 1040, involve collect money participate in a person 46, return still collect money share person capital and interest more than yuan 910 thousand, yin Mou absorbs capital illegally to make an appointment with more than yuan 3.27 million, involve collect money participate in a person 7, return still collect money share person interest more than yuan 390 thousand.
Hang rely on education model: Groom in order to manage education namely the industry is a name, in the sale its education grooms when the product (include man-to-man coach, class class, international swims learn, the education such as camp of pen word, training grooms product) , gold of repayment of capital is returned namely after rolling out acceptance to put full proper time and give what class hour of high specified number expends to covert return breath collect fees means, and the product of conduct financial transactions that acceptance puts full proper time to return this payment of interest namely, return through high specified number breath and covert return breath, community of the society that entice buys the product of of all kinds education that its roll out and product of conduct financial transactions.
Some company is Tianjin the subsidiary that Beijing some company creates in ferry. January 2014 ~2016 year during May, tianjin company falls in the direct of Beijing company, 13 campuses such as campus of road of the area of one Lieutenant Colonel that uses its to be opened in Tianjin, Guangdong, with managing education to groom the industry is a name, in the sale its education grooms when the product, gold of repayment of capital is returned namely after rolling out acceptance to put full proper time and give what class hour of high specified number expends to covert return breath collect fees means. Through sending out the conduct propaganda on the handbill, net, phone is visited about wait for a variety of methods to publish conduct propaganda to the society, return through coverting breath, encourage, not specific target buys the society that entice in great quantities the product of of all kinds education that this company rolls out, deposit money in order to absorb the public. Meantime, the Tianjin company directive according to Beijing company, extend plan of personnel manage money matters, acceptance puts full proper time to return this payment of interest. When beginning to extend 2014, only company staff can be bought, come to rose in August 2015, student parent uses company staff name to also can be bought, the company is returned through high specified number breath attract student parent to buy product of this conduct financial transactions. The fund that Tianjin company draws is united by Beijing company control use. In May 2016, tianjin company ruptures because of capital catenary case hair. Amount of this case guilt is as high as more than yuan 200 million, involve collect money participate in a person 1300 more than person.
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