Whole town order circularly the arrest of a criminal at large! Inform against award 30 thousand! Bla

Whole town order circularly the arrest of a criminal at large! Inform against award 30 thousand! Black evil crime organizes this Shandong experience to be destroyed, collect guilty clue now! Qingdao destroys experience black evil crime is organized " blueness becomes a group " collect illegal crime clue publicly now

Sweeping black in dividing evil special accuse and denounce at a meeting, substation of hill of Lao of Qingdao city public security bureau is below the unified command of city public security bureau, destroy the experience that waits for a person to head with Zhao Zhenshao, Tian Bo organization of black evil crime, already seized guilty suspect Zhao Zhenshao, Tian Bo, Feng Tian now the 23 people such as sweet, Zhao Kai, adopt criminal coercive measures entirely.

Whole town order circularly the arrest of a criminal at large! Inform against award 30 thousand! Black evil crime organizes this Shandong experience to be destroyed, collect guilty clue now! Whole town order circularly the arrest of a criminal at large! Inform against award 30 thousand! Black evil crime organizes this Shandong experience to be destroyed, collect guilty clue now!

Inform against a way:

1, the phone is informed against

Substation of hill of Lao of Qingdao city public security bureau 55580110, 55580408

2, the network is informed against

Transmit relevant data please to Laoshansaoheiban@163.com.

3, visit inform against

Inform against a person to be able to receive substation of Lao hill public security to sweep continuously black do report relevant circumstance, address: Road of mountain of glow of a mountainous area celestial being of Qingdao city Lao 10.

The announce that about urging black vicious power to violate guilty suspect Zhou Feng active a criminal give himself up to the police confesses his crime

To purify social environment, safeguard fair justice, advance my county to sweep black dangerous job further, urge black vicious power to violate guilty suspect Zhou Feng to believe a criminal give himself up to the police of prefectural public security bureau actively to confess one's crime to this world now.

Guilty suspect is active a criminal give himself up to the police confesses his crime, and offer those who narrate him crime according to the facts, can lawfully light or reduce punishment. Impeach exposes other to violate criminality, check is belonged to solid, expression can be reduced lawfully or major render meritorious service absolves punishment. Refus not a criminal give himself up to the police confesses his crime will lawfully from punish severely place. The relatives and friends of illegal crime suspect ought to active admonish its as soon as possible a criminal give himself up to the police confesses his crime, admonish of classics relatives and friends a criminal give himself up to the police, or a criminal give himself up to the police delivers illegal crime personnel after relatives and friends reports a case to the security authorities actively, offer those who state guilty fact according to the facts, regard active a criminal give himself up to the police as.

Assist what public security mechanism seizes guilty suspect Zhou Feng to inform against a person to clue, public security mechanism the basis " ruffian of Shandong province black local tyrant violates crime to inform against promotive method " the regulation inspects affection to give 30000 yuan of award, keep secret strictly to inform against a person.

Department police officer: 17754333228

Police officer Huang: 17754333293

Hereby announce.

The in relief public security bureau that believe a county is swept black do

On April 5, 2019

Whole town order circularly the arrest of a criminal at large! Inform against award 30 thousand! Black evil crime organizes this Shandong experience to be destroyed, collect guilty clue now!

(small signal Qilushigandang)

Whole town order circularly the arrest of a criminal at large! Inform against award 30 thousand! Black evil crime organizes this Shandong experience to be destroyed, collect guilty clue now!
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