Forbidden City explodes today between the direct seeding that the way that always leading him fastens female Ba grave to come to Laowang, look to be by old Wang Yu in light of the hardware of faculty of the first law configures dream.
160 brilliant Qing Dynasty adds male head of addition cruel harm, prevent first 104 very tall. At present the law faculty of many rich and powerful family matched the equipment of additional standard cruel harm, borrow this to promote a law the output of the department.
Chatelaine of seal of 160 indignant resistance, gem chose ray stone, should be tie-in the viability that this effect of counteractive seal will come to promote oneself.
Shoe of cruel harm of law of 160 move sluggishly, cruel male head uses the method above collocation.
What necklace takes is current dream the first tall clever necklace, force of full Duan Ling is as high as 397.
The dress is 160 body are able to bear or endure double add prevent male garment high, body is able to bear or endure female Ba grave can use pair of property that increase, traditional method is however not quite with get.
160 fight apotheosis bless body to be able to bear or endure double add a weapon, the should be this god bless specially good effect that take a fancy to and defy an odds.
Open travelling bag to have 6 elementary formative demon animal gist, want to know this is the date that the first law is dream, so these a few animal can be imagined definitely is one billion two hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-two thousand one hundred and ninety-two yielding special animal definitely, it is respectively:
A Long Hun;
Two death call;
Defence of a magic arts;
A force breaks off Mount Hua;
City of bend of dance of a night.
Next travelling bag just is a grand opera, all sorts of force that you consider to be less than equip, pardonable explode what always be evaluated to play by Laowang is dream stand-alone edition swims on the west.
Cruel harm of double addition of 160 body evil spirit hurts a weapon high, hurt first 593 very tall, double add 73, law cruel harm is added 4.81% , this can say the weapon is perfect law faculty the weapon that take battle!
Besides above that ax, there still is a demon to be able to bear or endure in travelling bag the tall injury gun of double addition cruel harm, although double add and law cruel harm is numeric slightly under ax, but the existence that cannot surmount still is in 160 guns.
Still have waist band of cruel harm of two indignant laws, initiative attribute compares chatelaine general, nevertheless fusion gives power, integrated attribute got not poor promotion.
Cruel ring of 140 3 laws, attribute issueing a platoon exploded at 13 o'clock! Should be current dream cruel ring of the 13rd law.
Male like such 160 brilliant Qing Dynasty head, can saying only in this travelling bag is common cannot again common equipment.
Just said to explode the dress on total body does not suit traditional method is, this does not have in travelling bag suit traditional method to fasten demon to be able to bear or endure pair of male clotheses that tote.
Explode though total dress is pretty good also, nevertheless photograph comparing hides building of that neat cloud on Bao Ge to be able to bear or endure at present demon double add 72, prevent first 315, additional standard cruel harm the dress of 4.89 is inferior still many.
See the equipment of so much force, it is current law fastens grave of female Ba of one elder brother no matter, traditional still method is, explode always can give his collocation a feel no regret the hardware that at dream the first law fastens. Can say only, explode always strong really.