Telangpu " pull black " Iran is legionary! American president why can legal ground " make horizon

On April 8, american president Telangpu announces to will rise from 15 days, iran Mohammedan revolution armed escort includes his the State Council " horrible organization " blacklist.

Direct " pull black " the national armament of one country, let in an uproar of international public opinion not only, area of aggravate middle east is queasy, let him United States possibly also cry painful, it may be said initiated abominable precedent. Measure for measure, on April 9, commission of top nation safety announces Iran, include the United States " support terroristic country " , the orgnaization directs the United States in the highest military affairs of middle east -- headquarters is labelled in the center of the United States " horrible organization " .

Telangpu " pull black " Iran is legionary! American president why can legal ground " make horizon " ?

This is not Telangpudi risk everyone's condemnation. Since appear on the stage, two years short between a long time, this political element person had revealed his to exceed to the whole world strong " executive force " . International agreement says to retreat retreat, ministerial member says to fry fry, close paragraph time is a movement more again and again: Can let a government because of a border fence last internally come to a standstill, announce the country enters urgent state then, push political politics polarization to new climax; Can think external Israel and privately give and privately accept of upland of Jerusalem He Gelan, challenging predecessor people will a few years dare not touch " powder keg " .

More important is, this sees those who be like stare making a person a series of act, did not exceed the normal range of American country politics or law substantially. Change and of character, telangpu unbridled makes trouble, admittedly its individual character makes like that, but still basically depend on frame of American politics system indulgent this kind is capricious.

Telangpu with a kind of means close to the extreme, make common people clear see, so called " 3 authority schism " OK and screwy arrive why to be planted degree. Be in especially domain of diplomatic general affairs, constitution gifts congressional is right of the president make judge authority is already nominal.

In politician people look, what careless do sth over and over again damages the president is his country interest, the United States does not bear directly cost, did not allow to still can scoop up brushstroke. This is a bottle of washing powder that why takes out at will by Bao power Er only in those days probably, the United States can be hit " large-scale kill and wound sexual weapon " Iraq of banner hair arms. The fact explains, no matter be " two parties " or " 3 authority " , having one exception rear is capital said to calculate, the president is the total chamberlain of capital only. So called make judge mechanism, also be the power play of capital group interior nevertheless, with general collect masses is not had how old relation.

Telangpu " pull black " Iran is legionary! American president why can legal ground " make horizon " ?

At present, a lot of analysises are end of act of exceed what is proper " solid bill storehouse " , and this also just report goes out, the western politics system under election politics is how flimsy. For vote, the president can believe one country Ma You reins, a powerful and unconstrained style, make a series of is in the thing with other unthinkable country, and all these closes legally again compasses, accord with order demand, appear to be able to restrict him without the person.

Current, telangpu already 2020 what expenditure of American military expenditure promotes 800 billion dollar is astronomical, those who become peacetime most. Increase convention and the weapon research and development that are not convention and aerospace to throw ceaselessly, to breaking up all along helpless international society, it is undoubtedly very bloodcurdling foreground.

Telangpu does as one wants to explain adequately, that the United States' vaunting democratic concept is to deceive oneself as well as others completely, popularize world other country impossibly also. If say the past a few years, economic globalization makes the immanent blemish of western system can of resource of developing country of so as to, market and labour force flow backwards get mask and be redeeminged, so rise abruptly when collective of broad developing country and when arousal, western country through instigating the area conflicts and contradiction of home of financial crisis marry again, sweep past the mode that feeds puny economy system to cannot duplicate. As deceive people the trick cannot continue, true colors also is exposed adequately come out. When this when, the fig leaf such as what democracy, human rights, also no longer important.

Telangpu " pull black " Iran is legionary! American president why can legal ground " make horizon " ?

Since period of time, the whole world has many prostrate and myth to western system design. On academic discussion and policy design, at every turn with American follow sb's lead, no matter political system still administers mode, all character weighs the United States surely. But the United States that does not look to give art of composition is sent more below Telangpuzhi, expose the deep-seated malady of western politics system without involuntary discharge of urine, that overrides at whole country with capital squad interest namely even the system pattern over interest of whole world people, it is beautiful national calamity not only with susceptive, also this world tolerates indefinitely impossibly. Face all sorts of contradiction, do not think over " free democracy " , not get to the bottom of our real today history starting point, the nature with not critically gainful capital, the mankind has a bright future very hard.

Never grow fill unabated empire. Nowadays, the United States falls ill, the whole world takes medicine, this is right its are brought think the political system that be proud, and the biggest satirize of position of its international leadership.

(institute of relation of international of university of people of author department China is taught)

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