Spontaneous combustion of the van on high speed road, performed warm heart however this one act

Spontaneous combustion of the van on high speed road, performed warm heart however this one act

Reporter of stage of Chongqing network broadcasting television: Chen Guangwen Huang Yongfang

On April 10 before dawn 1:40, on fire of a heavy truck produces spontaneous combustion near a section of a highway of Jiang Zhipeng water of Guizhou of G65 Baomao freeway. Bring about a section of a highway of Hunan of change of G65 Baomao high speed to execute all fronts to close, the car of associate with cannot pass through normally, many 100 heavy-duty lorry and tourist of two passenger cars stop to be connected in the each other austral Guizhou Jiang Zhengyang collect fees the each other of the station connects a section of a highway.

Danger affection is a command, this world is street start lash-up instantly beforehand case, organize policeman of cadres of group of Party member of force community ensemble, police station 50 more than person assists freeway policeman dredge to stop car, uphold road surface order, ensure safe.

Spontaneous combustion of the van on high speed road, performed warm heart however this one act

Meanwhile, you Zhengyang is street achieve civil two class volunteer throws the market that does an organization, company quickly also to the side to support an activity in. Volunteers are taking the article such as mineral water and solid food to risk rain to drive Yu Xiang to each other of Changjiang Delta of high speed Guizhou, a cordial greeting, exhort heart to heart in succession, sent full warm meaning for the friends that stop. "Master! Thirsty? Drink bottle of water! " , "Master, because ahead is big van on fire, produce spontaneous combustion, for us can safety drives, again patient wait a moment! " .

As the greeting that volunteers are deeply concerned in succession, driver masters also showed the smile of understanding, the car that stops this and tourist come from countrywide each district, the volunteer with street this world serves an activity, sent warmth and love to driver friend and tourist not only, show civilization of Guizhou river person, affable good figure adequately also.

(Guizhou river stage)

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