Who doesn't have poineering initial stage a black history ah? Bill Gates, Qiaobusi has had

After believing many parents want to make the child grown, become succeed already kind-hearted person, can make money person good. Should be such really, they had better not let the child be on poineering road. Why so say? Because the person cannot eat when the meal very much, lean successfully can not be kind-hearted. ? ? Ding Neisi discloses the author horse of this book, with respect to the Bill that is familiar with even everybody? Build Ci and Steve? Qiao Busi, also had used a few marble methods on the road that get rich becomes rich. Do not believe? We first for say Bill? Gates. ? ? The one's previous experience that build Ci at a wealthy family, big that years 2 from discontinue one's studies of Ha Fo university, one is founded to cry 1975 " Microsoft " company of small-sized science and technology. Be in this paragraph of time, the friend that works in IBM tells him, company of this computer tycoon wants to develop a new operating system. ? ? Does Gates have in memory the most appropriate the person selected of this job -- talent programmer Gary? Jierdaier. What can make him open-eyed is, jierdaier does not agree with the contract provision that IBM company raises, both sides was not concluded. At that time Gates does not give a shop sign by constant manage, the eye looks at so auspicious business chance, how can you let it escape for nothing? Then, the programmer that he lets a Microsoft duplicated Jierdaier's operating sequence, give a name afresh cry " DOS " , namely DOS. ? ? This brand-new system allows exchange of computer hardware success, gates did not give Jierdaier any v/arc a person's status however, register the copyright of DOS to him under one's name however, such, DOS became the property of Microsoft, namely our hep MS-DOS. Gates earns a few dollars greatly, and a minute of money do not have Jierdaier get the opportunity. Jierdaier's friend and adorer say: "Each PC users owe Jierdaier an affection, and Bill? Gates and his Microsoft is owed than who more. " ? ? Said Gates, we see Qiaobusi again. Qiao Busi just began the employee that is elegant Dali of computer game company, this company rolled out game of opportunity of the first market 1972 " ping-pong " . 1975, company manager Nolan? Bushennaer says, want somebody to be able to be developed only " ping-pong " the stand-alone version of this game, with respect to the bonus that can get thousands of dollar. ? ? Award heart cuts Qiaobuside, run Steve of whereaboutldirection good friend? Wociniyake seeks a help, because he can solve all computer technology problems almost. Qiao Busi is urged ceaselessly, solve difficult problem finally till Wociniyake, tall cloth Si Yeru wished to acquire stake. Where is result? Qiao Busi tells Wociniyake bonus has 700 dollars only, wociniyake expends the problem that so large interest solves, got the get one's own back of 350 dollars only finally, money award of thousands of dollar was swallowed by Qiaobusi.

未经允许不得转载:News » Who doesn't have poineering initial stage a black history ah? Bill Gates, Qiaobusi has had