Essence of courtyard of health care of women and children of the city austral short for Weihe River

A few days ago, those who live in Guan Daozhen 3 years old brightness brightness (alias) send right upper limbs to ache because of falling, x undertakes in local hospital piece the examination discovers right antebrachium has a foreign body, examine turns to surgical department of children of courtyard of city women and children after, yesterday essence of life locates the operation is excised definitely grow about 4 centimeters of doubt to be like steel needle, for brightness brightness solution besides anguish.

According to brightness brightness mom memory: Right hand arm cries to ache all the time after about 15 days of Qian Huihui threw one Jiao, pat in local hospital piece hind show have a foreign body, did not have further examination at that time. After returning the home, oneself are being twined by the idea of perturbed everyday, always worry about that " eyewinker " can be opposite the child is influential, after discussing with the husband looked after children to make further examination to surgical department of children of courtyard of city women and children on April 8. Classics X piece the examination discovers " eyewinker " still exist, doctor of Liu Jianjun vice director suggests: "Should give the child undergo surgery as soon as possible, take out the foreign matter inside " .

Course and parent are communicated adequately, after perfecting each examination, brightness brightness occupy ill area of surgical department of children of courtyard of health care of women and children of the city austral short for Weihe River awaits an operation. As a result of " eyewinker " size cannot decide, to take the foreign matter can more well and truly, doctor of vice director of the Liu Jianjun before the operation and outside group of art of 2 science and technology makes detailed remedial plan, eyewinker of right to the child antebrachium undertakes allowing to decide.

On April 10 morning, doctor of Liu Jianjun vice director and congratulate earthquake advocate treat a doctor to be brightness brightness undergo surgery, a hour hind took out that metallic foreign matter that hides in the arm smoothly. After art brightness brightness outer below the material of fine understand without being told that 2 families doctor shields personnel, right hand function is good, end blood motion is normal, be about to recover leave hospital. (Jiang Yan)

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