Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan

Medicine serves cure orgnaization fiction, imitation case of illness and bill diddle cure keep fund; Drugstore buys oily rice face to provide the service that brushs cure to keep card for consumer; Ginseng protect a person to buy ticket of hairpiece of be in hospital to cheat protect... the action that these diddle cure defend fund, whether had happened beside you?

On April 11, we from Xiangtan city " blow bully bilk is protected defend fund safety " concentration publicizes lunar activity to arouse the know on congress, broad citizen can protect the behavior of fund to undertake supervisory informing against to these diddle cure, inform against award highest can amount to 100 thousand yuan.

Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan

Xiangtan award informs against cure to protect bully bilk

Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan

Xiangtan award informs against cure to protect bully bilk

Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan

Xiangtan award informs against cure to protect bully bilk

Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan

Xiangtan award informs against cure to protect bully bilk

Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan

Xiangtan award informs against cure to protect bully bilk

Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan

Xiangtan award informs against cure to protect bully bilk

Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan

Xiangtan award informs against cure to protect bully bilk

Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan

Xiangtan award informs against cure to protect bully bilk

Inform against cure to protect bully bilk to defend behavior Xiangtan top award 100 thousand yuan
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