The United States of 81% learn to borrow the person that repay to deferring a lot of consumption, se

Student loan since of the United States an economy problem, also be social problem, be thought to will become future to exceed a of American national debt tremendous debt hidden trouble by personage of a few economy even. And to the individual, be in the United States such credit society, wanting to bilk Zhang casually won't do, bear the person that learns to borrow so also must conscientiously still is borrowed, for this, these societies are new person also must " very reluctantly " give up a lot of consumption. Recently, the United States had an orgnaization to make relevant count, let us saw them what make on consumption " sacrifice " , china is repaying the young people of loan, have similar experience. The United States of 81% learn to borrow the person that repay to deferring a lot of consumption, see the similarities and differences with the ChineseAccording to statistic, the United States is repaying the philtrum that learns to borrow, 81% did on certain consumption defer, include:

The person of 50% must invest to account of emeritus provide for the aged later.

The person of 46% must be deferred buy a car to perhaps transfer.

The person of 46% must hold two or more posts concurrently make money to still be borrowed.

The person of 40% postponed the independent plan that rent a house, continue to close with others hire.

The person of 40% was deferred buy a house.

The person of 37% hired even independence the room to be saved, live with family directly.

The person of 20% deferred wedding.

The person of 19% postponed the plan of unripe child.

It seems that, because these still borrow the project that suspend, a lot of Chinese should be more familiar also, buy a car for instance, buy a house, go holding two or more posts concurrently, of course, for the person that learns to borrow to repaying after all, life just started, prospective way is long, and income whole is in up orbit, this kind is deferred also will be temporary just. Above content comes from " the first abroad finance " App, here has data of finance of global each country, information of finance and economics, still information of global finance big alligator is tracked.

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