Old pickles and risk dish

Old pickles and risk dish

Old pickles and risk dish

Civil / Chi Haibei

Went today civilian courtyard on the west in door alley alley, the first Chengdu that discovered the Ada 15 years ago takes me to eat risks food store, it still is like in those days that kind of be still living and in good health. I go in, had not ordered dishes, does the proprietress ask me: ? Be proud border of pull up of reef Bei Liao sads astounded model handsome?

Do I say: involuntarily? Basketry before. ?

"So old, didn't you change? Didn't you change??

Am I asked: to read smoothly by Jing? Yao of dream of bay Qian crime chasm handsome?

"Be, await you to eat every day in those days risk dish! Await you to eat every day in those days risk dish!!

Day! She still retains the business 15 years ago, I besides fear, admire indeed.

Old pickles and risk dish

She still rose a little with me is a friend that I know it seems that, live in × × bridge (I forgot now, memory now can care! ) , say she eats every week, these year had not changed!

Still ask me: ? How does case  quarrel Huang Gu enters Yue to which apology haze say Zheng of temple of agent of brightness Lei what handsome?

"Ah! Everybody graduated to be able to have different choice! " I deal with her.

"You did not change really, still follow in those days same! " she emphasized again.

Myriad sighs with emotion in my heart, be fond of care half. Glad is him before following 15 years euqally young, of care is the 15 he is old like now pity before. Where does time go, 15 years idle cloud has waved, my generation does not live such Er side!

Sigh with emotion when me when her memory is so preeminent, my head sea mile answers before putting 15 years one act suddenly.

Old pickles and risk dish

"Is this which? " the proprietress points to those who wear a bowl to just had been risked to risk dish to ask.

"Be that old pickles! "Be that old pickles!!

Proprietress " oh " , active end gives me.

Original, the nickname that she has to me cries " old pickles " , she remembers no wonder I. Can remember my criterion results from " old pickles " cause.

Remembering that is I eat for the first time risk dish, more curious, this wants to put, that also wants to put. Do I say: ? Does beach of shipboard of fear of bank Ku Nuo play?

Does she say: ? Boil fade to embed Zheng of temple of every of Po of Ku Nuo muddleheaded?

Old pickles and risk dish

In those days because just came Chengdu, dialect is a challenge to me, can say, I do not know what is rutabaga, what rutabaga points to in our native place is lotus white. I do not like lotus white, do so I emphasize saying: ? Does every of Po of the  that install ash make fun of   Su always does shipboard beach play?

She was stupefied, the person of deal is clever still, react at a draught come over, pointing to rutabaga to say: ? Bay door Zheng of Ju of Sun of archives neon admire handsome?

Do I say: ? Basketry pull?

"Yao! This calls old pickles unexpectedly! " she laughed a long time. After, old pickles is my monicker unexpectedly.

"Which? "Which??

"Of old pickles! "Of old pickles!!

Old pickles and risk dish

My feeling returns resound to be in their dialog.

Flash went 15 years, old pickles has become the mother of two baby, old pickles a bit did not change, a bit is done not have old, still be original old pickles. But, idle so long, become dish really.

Old pickles and risk dish
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