What! My " small broken station " was accused by Cai Xukun? Requirement B station deletes tort vid

On April 12 afternoon message, shanghai office of plan attorney office, Shanghai Tian Shanglv division suffers Cai Xukun to entrust, to Shanghai limited company of science and technology of wide amusement number sent a lawyer to tell letter, say its website exists to violate client authority in great quantities content, the influence is abominable.

What! My " small broken station " was accused by Cai Xukun? Requirement B station deletes tort video

Limited company of science and technology of number of Shanghai wide amusement is Bi Bi the company name that official webpage lower part shows.

What! My " small broken station " was accused by Cai Xukun? Requirement B station deletes tort video

The eye that seize a day checks data to show, limited company of science and technology of number of Shanghai wide amusement by Bi Bi president Chen Rui 100% hold.

What! My " small broken station " was accused by Cai Xukun? Requirement B station deletes tort video

What! My " small broken station " was accused by Cai Xukun? Requirement B station deletes tort video

Inform case to state according to Cai Xukun's lawyer, bi Bi the look that exists to violate client right badly in great quantities on the website, and click a quantity range of tall, transmission is wide, the influence is very abominable. Afore-mentioned content exist to slander intentionally not only, abusive effigies, still used vocabulary of sex of a lot of affront, and inspected material to undertake baleful editing and rearrangement to the performance of client. Of these content make, upload, dispersed, reprint peddler already enroach on the right such as the reputation authority of client, effigies authority, performer authority, among them cent individual reachs the ministry to wait to had been suspected of making crime from media, caused huge undesirable society influence.

What! My " small broken station " was accused by Cai Xukun? Requirement B station deletes tort video

Inform case to early childhood, bi Bi the tort information that the website still stores in a large number of other clearly, as the website possessory with operator, the look that manage answers the existence on the website all arrives to notice and examine obligation reasonably, prevent the happening of tort and criminality.

What! My " small broken station " was accused by Cai Xukun? Requirement B station deletes tort video

After informing case to ask B station receives this letter, instantly afore-mentioned tort content disconnect the link of tort content. In the meantime, all should arrive reasonable attention is compulsory, to imparting the other tort information that case did not state, also answer to take active technology step actively, permanent delete and screen block breaks tort content, any that violate client right appear to allow no longer on the website after ensuring. Inform case to express, client already accredit lawyer collect is relevant evidence, already finished at present relevant obtain evidence the job, will adopt include but not be confined to all means such as lawsuit of civil, criminal, the legal responsibility of the person that find out tort.

What! My " small broken station " was accused by Cai Xukun? Requirement B station deletes tort video

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