Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 resid

Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents! Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents!

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Village of old old house transforms calm sea

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Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents!

Small make up understanding to arrive, my area came on stage formally recently " village of old old house transforms calm sea area of boat hill city 3 years the action plans to implement plan (2019 -- 2021) " . The abidance that strives to pass 3 years is advanced, from go up at all solve dirty chaos of damaged of building of village of old old house, environment to need an issue, build transform promotion and normalization management to grow effect mechanism soundly, build clean, neat, orderly, safe person ranks an environment, living character of village of olden old house gets ameliorative, incline to of community processing system is perfect, masses happiness feeling, satisfaction spends farther promotion.

What kind of village is transforming limits inside?

How many residence wants to transform this year?

Specific how should transform?

Small make up solve one by one for you

Transform limits

In principle is the city zone that decide the of great capacity before 1995 (contain 1995) complete and did not include old city nearly 5 years (shanty town) village of transformed old old house and sheet fragmentary residence. Can be united in wedlock according to actual condition start a city, way of main force of the city zone two side can look the old old building of along the road of street of the village of old old house inside limits, edge, or poorer, masses transforms ambient conditions intense village brings into apiration to transform limits this.

Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents!

Transform a plan

Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents!

Transform measure:

Cent is investigated to try to find out the real intention, pre-construction, carry out transform, complete checks and accept 4 phase. Plan the last ten-day of a month in May to carry out transform, strive for will finish before the bottom in September transform.

Transform a standard

Building of village of old old house transforms standard cent to be two kinds: Ⅰ kind to be transformed commonly, Ⅱ kind transform to set an example, synchronous follow-up village is integrated environmental punish, transform or street lamp of establishment of repair village road, parking space, afforest, fire control, illume; Air of advertisement of commonweal of column of conduct propaganda of staff of lid of establishment of activity of communal seat, fitness, inspection shaft, string, culture, civilized town, concentration basks in an area to wait for public facilities, satisfy real requirement of the dweller.

Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents! Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents! Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents!

1. Transform commonly: Build what the current situation combines a dweller to transform an opinion to be a foundation with dweller village, basically establish garage of casing of face, corridor, cop, carport, accessary establishment to wait for respect of relevant facilities facilities to undertake transforming from the building, in principle transforms capital not under 120 yuan / square.

Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents! Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents!

2. Set an example transform: Undertake upgrading transforming on the base that transforms basically, increase window of guard against theft to demolish, clothes tree of sunshade canopy, air, air conditioning overspreads installation, system of unit door intelligence is transformed wait for content, farther promotion architectural is beautiful spend and intelligence is changed, in principle transforms capital not under 320 yuan / square.

Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents! Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents! Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents!

N/arc drafting: Wang Jinjing

Classics of its all previous hundred years harships, it is to decide the sea to be in countrywide key cultural relic exclusively to protect an unit! Do you know its history?

@ decides sea person, be careful these case, did not become the accomplice of black vicious power!

Province take an examination ofing came 2019! Zhou Shan enrols 123 people, sign up since April 16! (add position to express)

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Newest plan! 189 residences will have calm of great capacity this year transform, involve 4831 residents!

"Looking "

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