" battle wolf " Wu Jing brings back compatriots in safety, who notices catchphrase of place of saf

To Wu Jing, everybody was familiar with exceedingly, because he goes out old all the time not lukewarm not fire, depend on " battle wolf " a film, wu Jing is complete conflagration. He acts " battle wolf " the movie is exceedingly interesting, booking office is very so high, be in " battle wolf 2 " in the center, wu Jing moved the setting of the film abroad, exceedingly absorbing.

In this film, wu Jing is to gave a person to present very good visual sense to experience really, employed a lot of armament not only, and when striking, be sincere really to the flesh, the generation that gives a person is entered sense is exceedingly strong, plus this film thematic exceedingly pretty good, can let person spontaneously rise a very violent people proud, so once this film shows the wide attention that caused netizens, and acquired the booking office of 5 billion, visible everybody is right of this film love.

In this film, although Wu Jing had done not have military rank at that time, for a civilian common people, but when the country needs him, he however resolutely of definitely stood, want to guide colony to withdraw safe region, during can saying to be in this, he experienced a lot of things, guiding the people inside the factory to beat back together not only the enemy, and fell in love with the Lamanla with the most terrible Africa virus, although the mission is special other in a extremely dangerous state, but he or without disappoint people expects to his, the worker Chinese people and factory brought back place of safety in safety.

Come until making theater of operation when them, wu Jing puts national flag on his arm directly, reached the abode ground of army with this passed smoothly to hand in war zone to come, when the gate of seat of peace keeping army is opened, netizens can see a pair of very old slogan apparently, the content of this catchphrase is " be born for peace, put for peace " . It is to compare simply drama still is lighted!

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