Break out: Sexual air conditioning of Yuan Yinan of Tian Wuzhou star installs blessing personnel 26

Break out: Sexual air conditioning of Yuan Yinan of Tian Wuzhou star installs blessing personnel 26 buildings drop to die on the spot

After police has block to the spot, undertake protective to remains

Shenzhen news network on April 15 17: 20 minutes of dispatch (Zhonghong puts reporter Pan Runhua on the ice) on April 15, the netizen says to stuff of newspaper of Shenzhen news network, 17 when make, news of blessing cropland area somebody of center of Lu Wuzhou star drops building. Reporter spot interviews know, when air conditioning of a male installs personnel to work in headroom, from 26 buildings the building falls, the spot dies.

Current, shenzhen city public security bureau, lotus is street do, blessing cropland installs inspect bureau to wait for sectional intervening investigation.

The reporter sees in the spot, object building person the body falls at doorway of one barber shop left, a shoe drops by " mobile phone city " on the right side of door inn. Current, whole scene pulled heavy cordon, watch not less through be surrounded before the citizen.

Break out: Sexual air conditioning of Yuan Yinan of Tian Wuzhou star installs blessing personnel 26 buildings drop to die on the spot

Drop building person remains and shoe space two place, police undertakes clew is collected

Break out: Sexual air conditioning of Yuan Yinan of Tian Wuzhou star installs blessing personnel 26 buildings drop to die on the spot

Alarm direction is street do a staff member to understand concerned situation

Break out: Sexual air conditioning of Yuan Yinan of Tian Wuzhou star installs blessing personnel 26 buildings drop to die on the spot
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