According to the report, israel air force launchs air attack to Syria again 2:30 in before dawn. 3 days are in before air attack, russian army revive opportunity for combat of 57 concealed body is garrisoned Syria. And with army opportunity for combat of F-35 concealed body enters Syria again.
With army opportunity for combat enters Syria from Lebanon, be in what Russia army is located in Ladajiya base vicinity area, ha Ma launchs air attack. With army the Maisiyafu that what hit this is province of exclusive Ha Ma presses down base of one place missile. This place base is Iran the center of missile research and development that building and emissive base.
This assault causes casualties of expert of many 20 missile, also cause appraise army casualties. With army opportunity for combat used GBU-39 bomb of small diameter control and guide is accurate destroyed building of center of missile research and development.
Target of churchyard of Syria of Israel air attack, not be very strange thing, come 8 this years after all, with army had launched air attack hundreds times, loss opportunity for combat of a F-16. This air attack most of attention letting a person is, it is front of first time of opportunity for combat of F-35 concealed body this direct dash forward prevent revive opportunity for combat of 57 concealed body.
Russia expert captain says Nigula Antuoshenjin, revive 57 equipment engine of three-dimensional vector thrust, is not F-22 the sort of engine of thrust of 2 dimension vector, the maneuverability that this means Russia plane is better. Revive a few function of 57 battleplan had exceeded F-22 and opportunity for combat of F-35 concealed body even.
Air attack produces the picture that halfback star takes
Russia expert still thinks, revive the radar system that radar of the NO-36 that 57 opportunity for combat equip squirrel transcended U.S. Army F-22 and opportunity for combat of F-35 concealed body. Can make be explored in comprehensive sky, in wing of opportunity for combat, airframe upper part, airframe lower part and empennage of opportunity for combat, according to radar component. Can all-around much angle explores a target, break the concealed body result of U.S. Army F-22 and F-35 opportunity for combat.
In the meantime, instrument of Russia season suddenly Mi Luofu makes scientific institute express, revive 57 opportunity for combat besides can discover concealed body opportunity for combat. Module of its electron battle, return the missile that can squelch enemy blasts off, disturb its target to search a function. But from 2018 first time deploy is in Syria, to this year the 2nd, deploy plays He Meiming air base of Dajiya in Syria. Did not see revive true block stays in 57 opportunity for combat the air attack of cross the boundary illegally of again and again of opportunity for combat of F-35 concealed body.
Actually, have a view early revive 57 opportunity for combat are put in a few hard injuries. Revive the concealed body ability of 57 opportunity for combat is more outstanding and forward concealed body. Also did not use S to take energy of life, still be intake duct of the 3rd acting opportunity for combat, radar reflex source is bigger. In addition, engine portion is exposed outer, lack concealed body data. That is to say adversary may discover above all in farther distance revive 57 opportunity for combat, make avoid perhaps atttack behavior at the same time.