Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

Civil / wheat Yours Excellency


Adult, it is a flock of people with the oldest pressure

A few days ago friend circle is mad turn a video, hangzhou rides bicycle retrograde motion small group one to be caught, the mood collapses went up to heat up search.

He is very quiet ground made a telephone call with cummer first, explained at that time circumstance: "Be such, I am converse was caught by bike, I go not know clearly! I go not know clearly!!

According to normal procedure, after the policeman is punished, he can leave.

Did not think of to just hanged a phone, out of control of his mood instant, handle machine exerts all his strength the ground falls to go up, passed 3 seconds, he feels distressed again the ground was collected rise.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

"My true good bad luck! Do this kind of thing for the first time, rapid move hurrieds back go occupied, they are urging me to go quickly all the time! They are urging me to go quickly all the time!!

Complain tearfully of groups of small incoherent region is worn, plump next genuflect go down, draw out an Id.

Express to be willing to accept all punishment, send how many money to go, want to put him to go only.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

Abrupt, he goes straight towards the past madly toward big bridge edge, policemans are confused also, do not become hard want commit suicide, also develop the past accordingly, the boy cries with what utter sad calls antrum spoke " the true state of affairs " :

"I work overtime everyday, agreed tonight the girlfriend eats dinner, but failed to keep an appointment, she did not take the key, let me be being driven again go opening the door!

My pressure is very great, everybody is urging me, I also do not think such, I am very irritated really! I am very irritated really!!

Adult adamancy is too long, it is the bagatelle of a trifles only sometimes, if rain falls,can let our tear.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

The boy cried several minutes, the policeman on the side also is comforting aside:

"The job is too tired, can ask for leave rest a few days, never mind. The life is such, we go before load. We go before load..

After the mood is quiet, groups of small genuine ground apologizes to the policeman.

Actually, everybody lives not easily.

The exhaustion of all over the body, have the pressure that discharge does not issue however, skinful difficulties that one is reluctant to mention, also have when cannot saying.

If you feel the life is very comfortable, just be the travel before somebody is replacing you to load.


Of adult break down, be quiet silence

It is easy that someone says to be born, work is easy, the life is not easy however.

In one's childhood, we always feel " grown " be very very the thing of cruel, the future that we look forward to is colorful, was brought up to be able to do oneself to think the thing that do.

Enter a society truly when us, feel through climb boil after hitting, you just discover so " grown " it is a quite pessimistic word, it is enclothed commonly like haze go up personally in everybody.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

The truth of the life is so brutal unexpectedly, your edges and corners is ground to make the same score entirely, those day is mixed really ideal, be before reality so can't bear biff.

Before paragraph time sees information of a small gain.

Yesterday at night very late when, a guest came in my inn, he nodded strings two bottles of beer, dishful is small, sat outside very long very long.

Fast before dawn when, the world had heavy rain, he cried very sadly suddenly, he also does not come in take shelter from the rain, was irrigated to appear all over.

I want to called him in the past very much, but dare not disturb him again, I did not know what to produce on his body, I what look on also cannot help the ache slightly in the heart.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

If not be by life place approach, who can bear so silently again?

Know on have a such problems: "Why so much man drives come home, arrived to sit for ages in the car even downstairs? Arrived to sit for ages in the car even downstairs??

Have answer of a high praise:

"I also do not think a lot of time get off, because that is dot of a dividing line. On board, jing Yijing of a person, the smoke that take a root, hair will be slow-witted, this body belongs to him; But push door, you are fuel, it is father, it is a son, it is husband, not be yourself alone only. We are true him Tibet in the car, open door to go out, even if be to crying to climbing, also can act the capacity of great expectations be expressinged only go down. Also can act the capacity of great expectations be expressinged only go down..

Middleaged, it is a kind of responsibility.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

The world of adult, not " easy " 2 words, mood of discharge of a running fire wants those who compare to calculate sexual value.

Because live, be like person meaning very much namely originally, growing is a process that cry moves Cheng Jingyin.


Of adult break down, want to consider consequence

Lama elder brother is in " of dog day middleaged " in say:

"Middleaged be sell laugh age, want to denounce the favor that gets an old person already, also want to make the model of good children, always pay close attention to the complexion of wife even, cater to the idea of boss ceaselessly. Middleaged keep for bank note of car of bread, face, house deal with, discover later, passion is a kind of waste to middleaged person, dream to middleaged it is a memorial archway, defend so that live faithful intense, do well even prostitute. Middleaged the reality that is dog day. Middleaged the reality that is dog day..

The person arrives middleaged, can escape without who " Song " word.

The person arrives middleaged as the dog, still be parents holds the treasure in control in both hands a few years ago, now one not careful became the pillar in the home.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

Japanese film " the husband got depressed disease " in, the husband is such invisible " break down " population.

Apparently he is same as usual, get up cook breakfast, go out by subway, regular job going to work. Discover when somebody his mood is incorrect, when the care enquires, he is laughing to say: "I do not have a thing! "I do not have a thing!!

Actually, he is early abnormal, inner hour lies the brim that break down.

" will knock when happiness " in, kelisi is immersed in life cereal bottom inside short time.

The job was lost, wife ran, the house was done not have, he is forced hopeless situation, can take a son to sleep only comfort station.

It is painful that the grievance of a grown man, feel sad is mixed, this toilet place cannot be accommodated, eye tear falls to the side of the mouth, very bitter.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

Tired? Very tired. Painful? Very painful. Sad? Sad. Acedia? Very acedia.

Should abandon? Cannot.

When very good interview opportunity is placed before him, he is none hesitant low strove for come down.

Interview official says: This all the way, it is so easy to do not resemble looking?

Kelisi replies: Not be of course, gentleman.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

After interview is over, go in the crowd, for oneself the loud cry applauses.

Say the man that has the home is much happier, the man that who knows to raise the home is very painstaking.

Li Zongcheng sings in song: Cross hill, just discover nobody wait.

This kind feels a lot of people understand, but our reality lives is however, even if knows me nobody wait, also want gnash one's teeth to cross hill.

I have 3 cups of alcoholic drink, a cup of Jing Chaoyang, a cup of Jing Yueguang, one cup respects associate with.

A person knows him only why and vivid, ability can endure a kind of any lives.


The life is not easy, every adult, regular meeting has the experience that the mood breaks down.

There is much pain in the heart no matter much more painful, after day break, you or meeting as usual, get up, wash gargle, go out, the smile faces someone else, do not let anybody knew what to produced yesterday.

Feel sad?

Very feel sad.

The life always is occur simultaneously of Bei happy event, hope and despair coexist, again provoking also should maintain.

Of adult break down, it is to premeditate long already

Mo Bo mulberry is in no less than " life " in write:

"What the life imagines impossibly like you is so good, but also won't imagine like you so flooey. I feel of the person exceed with adamancy flimsily oneself envisage, sometimes I get a word to burst into tears flimsily, discover oneself are being bitten again sometimes ah took very long way. Discover oneself are being bitten again sometimes ah took very long way..

After harships passes, before continueing, go, there is desperate unfavorable situation on the world, have acedia to place person only.

No matter how the night is long, daytime always can come.

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