On April 15 message, recently, u9 visits Youwentusi heart of horse of C collect home town pulls an island, 8 years old of eldest sons confuse C collect you collect rate team and place undertook with team of age Duan Qiu friendship is surpassed twice, the result is hit the 1st times into 5 balls, the 2nd advance 7 balls madly, two are hit into 12 goals, this efficiency simply.
Confuse teammate of U9 of your Luohe You Wen
As C collect turned Spring 2018 meeting Youwentusi, eldest son of 8 years old confused your Luo Jia to join 2010 rank Youwentusi U9 youth group. With father, confuse your Luo Ye to kick forward, and in U9 the goal is like hemp.
He scores a goal not only much, also be one of the figure is the tallest players in team, acceded good football gene of father.
Recently, confuse you collect follow Youwentusi attends match of traditional teenage soccer toward Ma Dela island before U9 hundred years international is maritime tounament (Rio of á of Timo Internacional Centen of Torneio Mar í ) . Ma Dela island also is father's home town, in those days C collect is kicked from here just about gave a world.
Cannot think of, played two games only, the team has hit Youwentusi 7 numbers into 12 to score a goal: In the match of Camacha of conquer of the first 15-1, he alone in 5 yuan, and in the match in team of Timo China of í of Mar of conquer of the 2nd 26-0, he is hit into 7 balls.
To this, netizens express in succession, "... baby our skip a grade you this is to bully a person " " and confuse you to compare, my collect is too miserable " " fasten such, anyhow your native place " " is this score ~ frenzied " " on shut oneself... " " is this... ... ... wholesale goal? " " confuse you to give you outer part of Luo Liu point " " ask direct skip a grade, lay the person from shut can rectify how " .
Be worth what carry is, besides the match, confuse teammate of your Luo He people a series of main rooms that still saw be concerned with father. It is to be in airport of Ma Dela island above all one be born, they saw famous " improved edition " C collect is statuary, whole group and C Luo Diao resemble group photo, confuse you collect advanced platoon right hand the first.
Confuse your Luo Hai and teammate people visited famous C collect museum.
Still with group photo of C collect waxwork.
The most interesting is, before what be in C collect to make classical congratulatory motion in haven is statuary, you Wen U9 and U11 the children of two team, learn C collect together " Siu " movement, special do laugh.
Learn C Luo Qingzhu