The expert explains neck easy grain -- disease of cervical vertebra of the doubt that use drug and g

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1. doubt one: Cervical vertebra disease, can use neck easy grain, actually neck easy grain applies to differentiate card to be disease of Yu of blood of stagnation of the circulation of vital energy cervical vertebra only, be not apply to disease of all cervical vertebra; 2. Doubt 2: Cervical vertebra disease, is canal of grain of easy eating a neck used, have exact effect actually, note habits and customs and comprehensive treatment shift at the same time; 3. Doubt 3: Neck easy grain, can treat dizziness, treatment of grain of actual neck easy is giddy and effective, differentiate card is Yu of blood of stagnation of the circulation of vital energy dizziness possible

未经允许不得转载:News » The expert explains neck easy grain -- disease of cervical vertebra of the doubt that use drug and g