Recently, court of people of county of appropriate of Jiangxi province cent to the accused person the 9 people such as Zhong Mou attend case of gangdom property organization to make first instance adjudicate. Person of 9 the accused is sentenced 5 years to come 1 year respectively the set term of imprisonment that 4 months differ, be in the 80 thousand fine that differs to 20 thousand yuan. After adjudging, person of 9 the accused is inside a:appellant period all did not appeal, this case already become effective.
Find out via cognizance, since 2005, the 9 people such as Zhong Mou of the accused person, Xia Mou are joined early or late with Li Mou plum (already adjudicated) the gangdom property organization that head, participate in carry out offer gambling house, force to trade, the guilty activity such as provoke affray. Came 2006 during 2015, this organization is dividing and other places of hotel of the many place inside appropriate county, railway station, country to offer gambling house illegally early or late, and with becoming a shareholder forcibly, break site, ask for living cost, inform against wait for a method, limitation is other " adversary " offer gambling house, show the sign of forestall gradually, the 9 people such as Zhong Mou of the accused person criterion only Li Mou plum follow sb's lead, manage through sharing gambling house, " visit site " wait for illegal crime activity to gain profit. 2007 first half of the year, the 3 people such as Sun Mou wool (already all adjudicated) separate business of distribute of pink of appropriate county double ash for forestall, invite Li Mou plum to become a shareholder then, affirmatory and annual to Li Mou the plum pays 669 yuan " share out bonus " . The person such as Zhong Mou of the accused person falls in the arrangement of Li Mou plum, in order to threaten, break inn to lay a person, drive the means such as the client inside inn, coerce the other owner that runs double grey white is exited manage.
On December 23, 2016, plum gang adjudges Li Mou (the data pursues) .
Additional, march 2010, the hill of factitious contention seal such as Li Mou plum presses down pink of essence of loose hill iron to carry the market, arrangement summer Hou Mou (already adjudicated) before waiting for a person, go " protect drive " our company ship the car of iron essence pink. During, after the person such as summerly Hou Mou and Yuan Mou of the accused person sees our company carry car to be barred fall by the competitor, hold rod of chopper, iron to undertake chasing after chopping then, create the victim slight injury, the wait for one's chance before the spot arrives to escape in police after.