100% true! A earn firmly exclusively not the operation of compensate!

Article begin says a jest to everybody first:

Fry a contest to go up, the 3rd appears on the stage to receive award, compere asks, you obtain the 3rd with what war doctrine, answer: Turn infirmly strong, contest price explodes the quantity turns consistent, low suck. The noise below the stage removes an applause. The 2nd appears on the stage to receive award, compere asks, you use what what war doctrine obtains the 2nd, answer: Bibcock war doctrine, change hand board, difference adds a storehouse, pursue and attack bibcock. Applaud to the echo below the stage. Be turn for the first eventually, compere asks, you use what battle method, answer: Go against counter-purchase.

Let me laugh a little while first, hahahahahahahahahaha with a ha is breathed out.

100% true! A earn firmly exclusively not the operation of compensate!

Laugh, begin to say one's proper business.

Old shareholder can understand this jest for certain, new shareholder estimates one face interrogation: Go against counter-purchase? What meaning?

So, I go against counter-purchased thing today. If you are early,know, I do not waste your time, the content below need not look.

True affirmation love pink remembers (if do not remember that,not be true love pink) , I am in the beginning of the year " from fall to speak of definitely, these big move of the Central Bank " in, had said those monetary policy tools of the Central Bank with everybody, mention operation of an open market among them. Open market operates cent to be counter-purchased to be being counter-purchased and be gone against, go against counter-purchase those who point to is Central Bank beautiful money buys national debt to the commercial bank, and the agreement is in a certain time sells future the action that give, the end that such doing is short-term inside for market complement fluidity.

I should say today go against counter-purchasing is same a thing, and our everybody can be operated in stock account. National debt is gone against counter-purchase, it is our flower money substantially to national debt of Central Bank average, the Central Bank after expiring next is redemptive national debt, give us the action of certain interest at the same time.

To major shareholder, very few meeting trades 250 times in a year in day every day full storehouse, so our stock account can have fund of a few unused unused more or less. These capital are put inside stock account, it is probably of 0.35% year change yield. If there are 100000 yuan of ready moneys in your stock account, you put that to be not moved all the time, 100000x0.35%=350 can be taken probably after a year so yuan accrual, conversion one yuan of smooth even season.

Have pity on less, right incorrect?

At that time, national debt is gone against counter-purchase with respect to the use on the clique.

Central Bank station comes out to say: In your stock account so much money, be inferior to borrowing me, you borrow me one day, I pay you one day interest, and the following day I return money to you entirely before open quotation, do not affect you regular stock trades.

You think, center Mom is affirmative won't hole I ah, anyway accrual does not want in vain. Then you lend the Central Bank money.

How to borrow?

If you are local tyrant player, account is unused capital 100 thousand, you can be operated in stock account directly, and buying a stock to lose code, price, amount is same. Input code 204001 (one day period national debt of Shanghai city is gone against counter-purchase code) hind the dot sells piece, this was equivalent to you borrowing 100 thousand to give the Central Bank. The following day 8:00, these 100 thousand money can return your account automatically, become usable capital again.

Attention, this is the dot sells piece, not be to be bought, the place is wrong nevertheless also need not worry, because the dot is bought,be being entered cannot be bought.

So, do national debt to go against counter-purchase a day how to many interest you can earn?

100% true! A earn firmly exclusively not the operation of compensate!

Today closing quotation, one day period national debt of Shanghai city is gone against counter-purchase year changing yield is 2.865% . Conversion, 100 thousand capital is about the same a day of accrual is 7.85 yuan, outclass is putting interest of immobile one yuan.

National debt goes against counter-purchased yield greater part to divide moment to be stabilized in 3% the left and right sides, also can have surprise price now and then. For instance on January 2, 2019, national debt is gone against counter-purchase year changed yield to be achieved 7.695% , 100 thousand Qian Yitian can take 21 right-and-left interest.

100% true! A earn firmly exclusively not the operation of compensate!

Of course, if encounter legal perhaps on the weekend holiday, the stock market can have several days not to trade, to take more interest, you can choose to do 2 day period, 3 day period, 4 day period and of 7 day period go against counter-purchase, negotiable securities code is respectively 204002, 204003, 204004, 204007. These a few go against the yield that counter-purchases breed about the same.

If there are 100 thousand in your account, have thousands of only, can be that still done go against counter-purchase, earn " Chinese cabbage money " ?

Possible. 204001 it is edition of Shanghai city local tyrant is gone against counter-purchase, deep city still has a civilian edition to go against counter-purchase, negotiable securities code 131810, there are 1000 yuan to be able to be operated in account, with the operation just the same of 204001, just the doorsill is very low.

Today after closing quotation, of 131810 year changing yield is 3.250% . This interest level already the second kills remaining sum treasure.

100% true! A earn firmly exclusively not the operation of compensate!

The national debt of 2 day period of deep city, 3 day period, 4 day period, 7 day period is gone against counter-purchasing negotiable securities code is respectively 131811, 131800, 131809, big difference does not need interest.

Do national debt to go against counter-purchase, still a few things need to notice:

1, national debt is gone against counter-purchasing have poundage, but cost rate is extremely low. The cost of 204001 leads Shanghai city is 0.001% , trade 100 thousand poundage a money; 2 day period, 3 day period, 4 day period and rate of 7 days of period cost are respectively 0.002% , 0.003% , 0.004% , 0.005% . Deep city and Shanghai city are like the cost rate level of same echelon formation.

2, undertake national debt goes against the capital that counter-purchases an operation, the 2nd trades day can be used buy a share, but cannot carry now, carry should trade to the 3rd now day just goes.

3, if dispute trades,counter-purchase maturity day, liquidation wants automatic postpone to trade to the first day, but your accrual gives you close an account only to maturity. For instance your Zhou Wu bought the national debt of one day period, expire Saturday, next week one money just returns Zhang to go up, but the interest that gives you one day only, what so Zhou Wu can do 3 day period directly is OK.

4, national debt is gone against counter-purchase trade time should grow than the stock, every trade the 9:1 of day5 to 9:25, 9:30 to 11:30, 13:00-15:30 can do business.

Above is me should say today go against counter-purchased entire content about national debt. So if there is spare cash in your account, do not know to buy what share, perhaps be afraid that the hand that does not run oneself buys deficient fund foolishly, can undertake national debt is gone against counter-purchase an operation. This is 100% gain not deficient operation firmly.

If you do not have the jest that understands article begin at the beginning, look round now, understood among them implied meaning?

100% true! A earn firmly exclusively not the operation of compensate!

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100% true! A earn firmly exclusively not the operation of compensate!

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