Does the net pass card games of Hua Rong happening to hurt person incident... whether be a rumor? Ci

On April 20, video of blood of stream of people of a paragraph of injury encircles transmission in the friend, the net is passed " house of little shop sign of bridge of Hua Rongsong wood produces person event on business " .

Does the net pass card games of Hua Rong happening to hurt person incident... whether be a rumor? Circumstance how? The truth is in thisDoes the net pass card games of Hua Rong happening to hurt person incident... whether be a rumor? Circumstance how? The truth is in this

Via Hua Rong prefectural net believes a branch to survey knowledge, this county area under administration did not send this matter.

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Does the net pass card games of Hua Rong happening to hurt person incident... whether be a rumor? Circumstance how? The truth is in this

New capital signs up for a report:

On April 17, the netizen explodes makings, change a county newly one bus car produces homicide event, the murderer escapes. An around inn-keeper tells new capital the newspaper to the reporter says, hear a driver to step on brake sound at that time, cried inside the car subsequently, run a few get hurt personnel. She still says, share 4 people to get hurt, among them the condition of an injury of a female looks more serious. She still sees one hand holds a knife, after coming down from the bus, leave. The reporter publicizes know of ministry, police from place, place has person event truly, cause several people to get hurt.

Judge water line of sight on April 17 23:47 when dispatch: After Hunan changes regular bus newly to hurt person suspect to commit the crime, escape to already was captured by autocycle

Late on April 17, insurgent news confirms from government of city of bottom of Hunan a surname, changing the suspect that the knife holds to throw a person on regular bus newly to already was pressed down in cold water Jiang Maoyi that day afternoon be captured.

The spot that insurgent news gets captures video presentation, the suspect says when the answer captures a policeman to enquire, oneself do not know to chop kill a few people, the lethal weapon after committing the crime puts a bag in, take autocycle to break away from the spot. The suspect still says, oneself are brokenhearted ill.

According to insurgent news the report before this, change prefectural government newly to confirm from bottom of Hunan a surname on April 17 afternoon, this county was controlled at 4 o'clock afternoon, one from how to change town of prefectural plain top to leave for the regular bus that changes newly to go up, one man holds a knife to chop kill the passenger on the car, send 4 people different level gets hurt. According to passenger introduction getting hurt on the car, when be duped, car increases boss machine and attendant on a train, add up to 8 people, the suspect enters car of two inquiries after changing churchyard newly to whether arrive to be changed newly in car. After asking the 2nd times, take out two knives to chop from the body to the passenger on the car.

Introduce according to official public figure, autocycle is taken to escape after the suspect commits the crime the spot. Current, police is committing the crime in further investigation suspect motive.

Public security of Hua Rong county, net believes a branch to remind: Not start a rumour, do not spread rumor, do not believe rumor. Ask citizen friend must not credulous with transmission network rumor, public security mechanism affects the rumor message with stable and stable society possibly to dispersed transmission to will give severity is hit, investigate its law duty lawfully.

Does the net pass card games of Hua Rong happening to hurt person incident... whether be a rumor? Circumstance how? The truth is in this
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