[sweep black except evil when undertaking] run amuck in mine mill " seek hegemony " , sweet wine h

Buy low equipment, minatory competitor, force to sign an agreement, a group of vicious power crime that heads with Zhou Mou article runs amuck in mine mill " seek hegemony " , police of hill be sweetinged wine weighs a fist to destroy!

[sweep black except evil when undertaking] run amuck in mine mill " seek hegemony " , sweet wine hill police destroys group of crime of one vicious power

In June 2018, our city all one fluorite mine encounters Chu Zhenqing village for many times block labour, cannot produce normally manage. All Hunan police station is in alarm after proving a case, order of disturbed to be suspected of gathering a crowd unit Peng Mou forest, Yi Mou benevolence give administration is punished lawfully.

Meanwhile, police gets a large number of clue, discover personnel of case of this case experience involves a case many cases. Via thorough investigation, progressively lock decides the group of vicious power crime that heads with Zhou Mou article. Sweet wine hill police establishs case group, execute case detect to do.

Case group finds out:

Came in Feburary 2017 between June 2018, article of guilty suspect Zhou Mou, Zhong Mou handsome, the person such as Peng Mou forest often get together is together, with violent, minatory means, in the our city illegal crime activity all is carried out for many times inside Chu Zhenqing village, to be not order of life of society of do evil, disturbed economy.

In Feburary 2017 - in April, zhou Mou article, Zhong Mou handsome, Peng Mou Linsan's person waits for means with abuse, menace, coerce forcibly contract some exits Zhou Mou of former contractor of project of contract undue inclined shaft project, coerce at the same time the Hu Mou of mine mill controller at that time some and thirdly the person is signed contract agreement.

In March 2017, zhou Mou article, Zhong Mou handsome menace is press dig machine boss Zhou Mou some digs its machine low to make over.

In December 2017 - in June 2018, because Zou Mou takes over mine mill to stop,contract contract, zhou Mou article, Zhong Mou handsome, Peng Mou forest asks for a huge sum to recoup a money not after fruit, adopt the means such as door of a road, lock to prevent car to come in and go out normally for many times, production of factory of serious effect mine is managed and employee lives normally.

Still find out at the same time, in January 2016 - in April 2017, article of guilty suspect Zhou Mou for many times abet, look leaves minor suck to put poison on the ice.

In June 2018 - in July, article of guilty suspect Zhou Mou (male, 42 years old, all person of Chu Zhenqing village) , Zhong Mou handsome (male, 27 years old, all person of Chu Zhenqing village) , Peng Mou forest (male, 40 years old, all person of Chu Zhenqing village) 3 people are in early or late sweet wine and other places of countryside of hill, duckweed is captured by police. On January 21, 2019, this brief of a case sweets wine procuratorate of hill city people to sweet wine to lodge a complaint of court of hill city people, already entered adjudgement phase at present.

[sweep black except evil when undertaking] run amuck in mine mill " seek hegemony " , sweet wine hill police destroys group of crime of one vicious power

[sweep black except evil when undertaking] run amuck in mine mill " seek hegemony " , sweet wine hill police destroys group of crime of one vicious power

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