The man is in many small letters group mad and abuse policeman, still beg transmit! Mound in relief

Violate the rules and regulations jockeys to be stuck by the policeman odd

You are to draw a lesson, is abide by discipline abide by the law?

Still be heart smell is made the same score hard, abreact malcontent?

Mound one man chose this world latter


The man is in many small letters group mad and abuse policeman, still beg transmit! Mound in relief police found him!

On April 19

On Ying one man returns ban mark to jockey because of violating

Be born to resent by policeman punishment heart

In many small letters group inside

Undertake to the policeman abuse

↓ ↓ ↓

The man is in many small letters group mad and abuse policeman, still beg transmit! Mound in relief police found him!

Scold a policeman

Still seek authority transmit

The man is in many small letters group mad and abuse policeman, still beg transmit! Mound in relief police found him!

Although the man is " passed strong interest of a mouth "

But consequence is very serious

The man is in many small letters group mad and abuse policeman, still beg transmit! Mound in relief police found him!

The following day

The county on Ying policeman of 60 shops police station

Seize its

Show this man to be in with

Administration detains punishment of 13 days!

The man is in many small letters group mad and abuse policeman, still beg transmit! Mound in relief police found him!

This intelligence quotient

Still beg transmit

Millet of this police Sichuan saw really

You are tragic...

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