Why to discover the UFO informs the reporter does not report however?

The thing is such him native place is on an upland, grow where as a child know to go to school slowly just left the home. What at the same time sky of late to home town God appears is unidentified light of 7 colored lantern also had new view, annual spring is almost controlled to 11 o'clock at 6 o'clock in the evening everyday, is the light that there always is very much colour in the sky met at the same time very curious ask what that is? Get all round is is the person's answer very affirmative a plane? ? . Are you believed? Anyway I am to be not believed, have a few the following feature ascendant thing of the first its from time to time and drop do irregular exercise. The 2nd light that as its motion it gives out also is met ignore bright ignore dark. Sometimes very dazzling sometimes faint. Is someone may say that is without man-machine you are gotten absolutely? Do not have all-pervading time in that mobile phone. It is recently below the spot video of own transcribe. Ask authority judge!

Why to discover the UFO informs the reporter does not report however?
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