Liu Jiang east case expose to the sun to communicate whole journey recording when thing schoolgirl a

Liu Jiang east case expose to the sun to communicate whole journey recording when thing schoolgirl and lawyer

On April 26 8 when make, one claims to be close to Liu Jiang east case when thing schoolgirl Liu Jingyao (transliteration) small gain of Camus of netizen @ Chen Chun released Liu Jingyao and Liu Jiang east the recording of complete edition phone of acting lawyer. Before this, on April 23, southern Metropolis Daily ever exposure faceless explode this paragraphs of recording that makings person offers, the video that Camus of @ Chen Chun weighs to southern Metropolis Daily is released in released video passed editing and rearrangement for many times, tag those who gave complete video by part of editing and rearrangement.

Liu Jiang east case expose to the sun to communicate whole journey recording when thing schoolgirl and lawyer

On April 26 9 when make, camus of @ Chen Chun tells north blueness signs up for a reporter, he thinks " before head the faceless frequency of hair, study abroad a foreign land without affairs of human life schoolgirl, face ascendancy great lawyer powerful group is aided blast the man, the attempt of hope for make concessions to avoid trouble and reasonable compensation are conveyed, through turning sound is mixed editing and rearrangement, depicted the setting that asks for gold without the bottom line. This frequency changed the schoolgirl's sound, optionally editing and rearrangement speech, efface the schoolgirl was not looking for a lawyer, do not want to make public, hold to thoroughfare apology and compensation, but be without negotiation experience and preparation, also be without notional condition to indemnity. It also masked Liu Jiang east the action that acting lawyer wins a schoolgirl to contact means to be called actively from constabulary department, and Liu Jiang east lawyer of the representative after be being bailed also does not receive schoolgirl telephone call again these important clues. And Liu Jiang east lawyer of the representative after be being bailed also does not receive schoolgirl telephone call again these important clues..

According to money new network reports, when thing schoolgirl Liu Jingyao phonates to media say, "Celestial being jumps " say to be not belonged to solid, oneself resist repeatedly in whole process, never had agreed with Liu Jiang east have sex. Liu Jingyao is in suffer in visitting, mention, when oneself are calling the police for the first time really, to going out alarm police expresses " mix of one's own accord he (Liu Jiang east) produced an impact " , but it is to stem from afraid Liu Jiang east retaliation.

(boreal blueness signs up for Li Zhuoya of Zhang Xi of reporter Li Tao)

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