Doubt is like first love of thunder favorable reply to shake phonic exposure 16 years old tender acc

Recently, those who the netizen discovered favorable reply of a piece of thunder on some video software accidentally is old according to, the photograph shows film 1999. According to the netizen computative, the thunder favorable reply at that time should be 16 years old are controlled, once this photograph is made public, one when draw a netizen is surrounded view.

The thunder favorable reply in the photograph wears blue jacket, wear baseball instead cap, be in with a female classmate seaside group photo, two people appear green have energy.

Doubt is like first love of thunder favorable reply to shake phonic exposure 16 years old tender according to, netizen:

Although the place in video passes a photograph to have some of faintness, but the feature that we can see thunder good news clearly appears with do not have now how old distinction, netizens exclamation in succession: "Aspic age Apollo! " and one aspic is 20 years.

Netizens comment on in succession: "Favour! Grew so that resemble more than 30 years old 1999, also grew more than 30 years old 2018! " " besides neck pitch fierce, quite handsome aha ha, namely the sort of very relaxed looking very frank the undergraduate figure that relies on chart so say he returns dissatisfaction 99 years 18? It is mature to grow so that slant as expected! " " think with this little elder brother talks love very much! " " think with this little elder brother talks love very much!!

Doubt is like first love of thunder favorable reply to shake phonic exposure 16 years old tender according to, netizen:

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