Wajifu bank women's volleyball head hair battle array:
Main attack: 7 5 bright red graceful, Robin inferior, deputy attack: 6 18 Zehela, Akeman, reinforce: 10 Siluoteyesi, 2 pass: Ba Yi of at present of 3 be stranded, free person: An abstruse case.Wajifu bank women's volleyball
Women's volleyball head of Yi Sa strange Ba Xi sends a battle array:
Main attack: Weak condition of 18 10 Larsen, gold, deputy attack: 9 4 Beiyiza, Jilijili, reinforce: 3 Bosikeweiji, 2 pass: 11 Dilike, free person: 5 A overcome at present.Yi Saji Ba Xi women's volleyball
The first bureau opens bureau bank or slow heat, 3 minutes of Yi Sa earning all the bank breaks miscarriage, bilateral score rises alternately hit 6 smooth, the bank strengthens the aggressiveness that serve, yi Sa has spread a net 2 times continuously, the bank hits probe to succeed 8: 6 banner, practice of Yi Sa bishop is press called halt, bank group passes serve, Ba Yi of at present of block, be stranded 2 balls with 12: 10 banner enter a technology to pause, the Yisatong after time-out passes gain this aggression and deputy the block that attack chases after score 12 smooth, bureau Zhu Ting hits probe, block to notch continuously in bank 18: 15 banner, yi Sa chases after score through substitution 18: 17, practice of bank group bishop called halt, the Zhu Ting after pausing notchs continuously repeatedly, Xiaoluo makes probe bank 21: 18 hold 3 minutes of lead dominant positions, but error of the bank after Zuo slants to be chased after by Yi Sa more 22 smooth, the block make contributions of the moment of truth of Ke Man of A of group of bureau end bank, bank 25: 23 unplug so that the head prepares.
Block gets Ke Man of A of group of bank of the first bureau 5 minutes, bank 25: 23 get the better of
Score of both sides of the 2nd bureau is bitten more closely from 2 make the same score 3 smooth, as Ke Man of bank group A drop shot, serve notch, coconut this hind attack notch, bank with 10: 7 banner, yi Sa bishop is experienced not the tower called halt, the craftsmenship that Sa of the Yi after pausing strengthened drop shot creates a bank ruinous block, bilateral score is hit 11 smooth, drop shot of bright red graceful notchs bank with 12: 11 banner enter a technology to pause, bureau rich Si Kewei surprises in drop shot notchs continuously, bad, error increases bank block result, yi Sa with 16: 13 exceed score instead, the bank coerces time-out was changed 2 pass, but be passed and attack the effect not beautiful, yi Sa with 21: 16 preceded 5 minutes, bank 2 pass allocate a ball unreasonable, attack a hand not to play a ball with 17: 25 play away the 2nd bureau.
The 2nd bureau 2 pass pass a ball to be less than a bank 17: 25 be defeated
The Lai Zhuting on the 3rd bureau is attacked 3 times be barred, notch twice, but the bank is bit otherer no less than balls, bank with 3: 9 backward called halt, coconut this notch continuously 11: 7 Yi Sa or discretion called halt, as Robin abdicate aggression is barred for many times, larsen, Bo Silian add notchs Yi Sa 16: 8 big score are banner, the bank is press changed Laxiji, Kalakuerte to chase after minutes bit, but fill the chasm in front hard, final with 19: 25 play away the 3rd bureau.
The 3rd bureau does not pass reach the designated position, Zhu Ting teammate does not give power 19: 25 banks are defeated again
The 4th bureau opens bureau bank position to pick up with 6: 4 banner, yi Sa called halt, as attack after Zhu Ting is successive notch, Larsen attacks bank be barringed with 12: 6 banner enter a technology to pause, after preceding 2 pass allocate a ball to appear again unreasonable circumstance, be chased after to divide continuously by Yi Sa 13: 10 banks called halt, you get bureau both sides one minute in, I get a minute, cent difference maintains maintain 4 minutes to come to 22 from beginning to end: 18, block of bureau end bank is shown power, bar dead Bo Sihe helps Er dark bank continuously with 25: 18 win the 4th bureau.
Bank position picks up with 25: 18 won the 4th bureau
The 5th bureau begins golden weak condition to get the 2 Sa that divide Yi repeatedly with 3: 2 banner, practice of bank group bishop challenges failure 2 times continuously, this bureau does not have challenge opportunity, as Zhu Ting 2 hind attack notch, score 6: 6, bureau end score is more deeply anxious arrive 9 after making the same score, bank group is not passed reach the designated position to be notched continuously by Yi Sajin weak condition, final bank with 12: 15 play away the 5th bureau.
The moment of truth passes a top not to stay in a bank 12: 15 was defeated by the 5th bureau
Bank team member notchs the situation is as follows: Zhu Ting 27 cent, collect guest inferior 12 minutes, a Keman 12 minutes, , Siluoteyesi 11 cent, card pulls Kurt 7 minutes. Yi Sa team member notchs the situation is as follows: Bosikeweiji weak condition of 35 cent, gold 19 cent, Larsen 10 minutes. Finals next leg arranges as follows (Beijing time) : On April 26 23: 00 Wajifu strange Ba Xi of Sa of bank VS Yi; On April 29 23: VS of strange Ba Xi of 00 Yi Sa Wajifu bank; On May 2 23: VS of strange Ba Xi of 00 Yi Sa Wajifu bank; On May 5 19: VS of strange Ba Xi of 00 Yi Sa Wajifu bank. Make us broad the last champion that fan leaves ocean for Zhu Ting contends for battle to cheer boost the morale of, hope big graceful can guide Wajifu bank women's volleyball defends champion of crown league matches successfully!