Recently, a label spits groove in Internet forum for the programmer in A: Too insult a person, action of 985 large school enters A in, technology 4 years of P6, base2 10 thousand, went up 1500, say to go up pretty good, be less than 4 months end of the year award.
Subsequently this post that spit groove is discussed with respect to the heat that drew numerous person of the same trade, netizen reply follows post: Be what Base 4 years so low? Be annual in A is general moved? I also am 15 large, 17 when leaving one's post P6, base20k, decisive go person; 3 years 6, 22k, also 3.5, how much to still know to be able to go up, estimation is terrible also, this year's those who give is gigantic much; How to calculate repaired blessing journal go in.
From inside these replies we are informed, the original poster is with this year's crude capacity joins A in, those who worked 4 years is long: School recruit students is the most miserable, organic meeting finds new job more; The 14k that enter office is normal, I also 4 years of large, 11k of the ability that enter office, go up slow namely bit, do not know to have a concern with performance; The year before last year just enters job half an year this 6 went up end of the year last year 3000, do not know this year how.
Still the netizen comments on so: If disrelish salary low, can find new job, treat your condition, double does not have pressure; 985 not be very normal, work take this a little bit to say the original poster, the original poster just provided a reference just, but A Lizhen is gotten too tired, value feels insufficient also, sexual price is compared too low, I prepared to remove.