In bus travel road suddenly spontaneous combustion! At this moment they rushed forward...

Between late on April 24 fastigium, a travel in 104 countries the passenger car of highway of lake of Nanjing river peaceful embellish, the rear produces spontaneous combustion suddenly, immediately smother billow.

In bus travel road suddenly spontaneous combustion! At this moment they rushed forward...

According to introducing, this sits at that time the bus travel that has tens of renown passengers comes after this, the driver feels the vehicle is not quite right, speed becomes slower and slower, lost power suddenly even. Back-to-back, the driver smells a scorched plastic stink. After realizing the car gives an issue, bus driver opens the door instantly, the passenger in constituent vehicle gets off quickly. Wait for a guest to get off count only after second, end of this car vehicle lighted ablaze conflagration. Honest changes the policeman of policeman squadron to hurry to the spot quickly, organize rush to save life and property at the same time, at the same time instantly scattered and circumjacent masses, direct vehicular traffic circuitous.

In bus travel road suddenly spontaneous combustion! At this moment they rushed forward...

Be in passenger car rear spontaneous combustion when, the boss of one garage and 3 cement mixer drivers that pass this a section of a highway participated in roadside actively to come to help, below the policeman's assistance, these drivers take the fire extinguisher inside dispatch a vehicle quickly, still have the squirt put out a fire that agitate car takes oneself. Through everybody's joint efforts, extinguish bright fire eventually, eliminated safe hidden danger in time one case. And what honest turns policeman squadron people's police is rapid hit out and the fire fighting behavior that many citizen is ready to help others for a just cause, let bus driver touch extremely, thanks again and again, and the action that surrounds view masses to put out igneous situation in time to this also nods assist.

The policeman warns a driver, want to often make daily inspection to the car, prevent oil path, circuit breakdown and leakage oil, flat wait for a phenomenon to cause car spontaneous combustion. Car should deploy effective fire extinguisher, if produce car spontaneous combustion, want keep one's hair on, save oneself correctly for a short while, dial appeal phone.

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