4 branches report Hainan jointly one hospital is suspected of Bo Ao illegal have an inoculation inci

On April 29, the 4 branches such as Public Security Department of province of supervisory management board of medicines and chemical reagents of province of supervisory management board of market of province of council of health of Hainan province sanitation, Hainan, Hainan, Hainan release Bo Ao jointly Yin Fengkang raises international hospital to be suspected of illegal have an inoculation vaccine of cancer of neck of 9 value a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale.

The bulletin says, this year on March 24, hainan province receives masses incoming letter about the branch, yin Fengkang of Hainan rich a huge legendary turtle raises international hospital (the following abbreviation: Silver-colored abundant hospital) be suspected of illegal have an inoculation cancer of neck of 9 value a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale is vaccinal. Provincial Party committee saves a government to lead height to take seriously, make written instructions, the requirement is checked greatly father lawfully place. Province sanitation is healthy appoint take the lead to supervised the branch such as management board to undertake associated investigating jointly with province medicines and chemical reagents. The phase before classics checks solid: Silver-colored abundant hospital is below the case that did not win vaccinal and vaccinal aptitude, begin have an inoculation of vaccine of cancer of neck of 9 value a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale illegally, violate plan loan administrative or technical offices to cooperate external, disturbed order of medical treatment market. Local sanitation is healthy on April 18 sectional basis " medical establishment regulation " " vaccinal and current with vaccinate regulation " wait for relevant law laws and regulations, emphasize make revoke to its " medical establishment hold licence of course of study " administrative punishment, confiscate 201496.8 yuan of illegal earning to be in the amerce with 8000 yuan (detailed sees remarks 1) . The vaccinal origin channel that investigation of medical inspect department discovers to silver-colored abundant hospital is used is non-standard, the likelihood is suspected of using the case of false vaccine, undertaking investigating now.

We will be held to it is a center with people interest, hit the act that violates masses rights and interests stoutly lawfully with 0 tolerant attitudes, safeguard Hainan stoutly from trade division (harbor) construction develops overall situation. Take following step: It is to hold water by province sanitation health appoint, the branch such as Public Security Department of supervisory management board of province market supervisory management board, province medicines and chemical reagents, province forms special panel, superintend and director guides investigate lawfully. 2 it is by medicines and chemical reagents superintendency branch organization is closed down medicines and chemical reagents of silver-colored abundant hospital, so that thorough investigates vaccinal origin case. 3 it is the false vaccine that to Yin Feng the hospital is suspected of using, superintendency branch of medicines and chemical reagents will make a thorough investigation of further illegal fact, check the according to after fact " Pharmaceutical Affairs Law " give a case fine. 4 commit a crime to forming, will turn over public security branch to investigate criminal duty. The 5 personnel that are vaccination of hospital of silver-colored to be in abundant undertake contacting, listen to their opinion, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. 6 it is to increase daily superintendency strength, by province sanitation health appoint with supervisory management board of province medicines and chemical reagents the superintendent that add a group is garrisoned area of Lecheng go ahead of the rest, directive, harmonious, jointly with wholesome health of city of sea fining jade appoint the superintendency that strengthens pair of medical establishment. In follow-up investigation, if discover other medical treatment violates act, will handle according to compasses gravity lawfully. Relevant progress circumstance will be seasonable to social announcement.

(boreal blueness signs up for Zhang Xi of reporter Li Tao)

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