On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be bein

Do not know whether you had listened to a Duan Zi:

Have a wealthy person that likes mingle with men of knowledge and pose as a lover of culture,

Denounce of play the peacock is gigantic endowment an antique bowl that buys,

The result sees a guest be taken look,

Bowl bottom is imprinting awesomely: Microwave oven is special!

On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be being cheated only, one allows!

Want to be less than, similar issue happens in real life unexpectedly.

On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be being cheated only, one allows!

(the network matchs a plan)

In recent years, many people have by all sorts of experience that annoy bomb of phone take turns. These promote a phone to have those who sell conduct financial transactions, those who sell house property, those who sell insurance, multifarious, let a person can't bear its irritated, deeply its faze. Recently, the ado that has a kind of old people in be aimed at again the phone is very popular. And before different, the other side does not promote health care taste, come to those who taste ask you to be collected in the home however, still say to get measured, let a few in old people is imperceptible in the center went up to hook.

A day, ms. Li received a strange telephone call, the other side professes is some collects the staff member that tastes auction firm, say present food coupon is very costly, ask Ms. Li the home is had. The as it happens in Ms. Li home has food coupon, then, the other side asks her to look to their company.

On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be being cheated only, one allows!

(the network matchs a plan)

Ms. Li does not understand collect taste the market, listen to a clerk to say food coupon is very costly, she goes to this company seeing this food coupon be worth how many money after all. After going to a company, she discovers, have many mixing there is Tibet to taste like her come the person that this appraise is worth, mr Guo also has been received with Ms. Li's same telephone call.

On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be being cheated only, one allows!

Gentleman giving Guo calls the person professes is some collect the staff member that tastes auction firm, pick up the telephone the name that the other side can make him, this makes Mr Guo very accident.

Some is collected taste auction company operator some says Liu Mou, the data that the company gives has the client's full name, phone, home address, the company stipulates one day makes 300 telephone calls about.

According to the view of this clerk, every clerk should make 300 telephone calls one day, this company has 20 much people, one day needs information of many 6000 citizen, is the company from which to get these citizen information? Some is collected taste Lv Mou of auction firm contributive person to tell a reporter, these information are bought from the net.

Besides these citizen information, this collects those who taste auction firm to still can be each staff members to offer a piece how to talk " word method is only " as the job how-to, teach them how to call to these clients.

After receiving a telephone call, a lot of clients are mixed with Ms. Li Mr Guo is same, because want,him understanding hides tasted value in the home and to the auction the company looks.

On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be being cheated only, one allows!

(the network matchs a plan)

Ms. Li says: "I went, look after in the past particularly true, have silk banner, tibet is tasted, sundry Tibet is tasted placing. Sundry Tibet is tasted placing..

So what they see whether are these true? Tian Wei of assistant director of police station of town of stage of abundant of abundant stage substation expresses Beijing public security bureau: "His optional location, his address, when they look, think this is a regular corporation, they believed, be equal to is they go up from the exterior, from go up objectively puzzled these hide friend. From go up objectively puzzled these hide friend..

And these are interlink only cover begin. Receive a telephone call, will auction a company, obtain Tibetan friend gradually people after preliminary accredit, auction firm can expedite division of a so called appraisal to hide friend people Tibet is tasted undertake appraisal appraise is worth.

Mr Guo says: "He looks, you are tasted this the look is particularly good, persistently boast me, he gives me make a price at that time, 4 pieces or so, can pat 180 thousand to 200 thousand. Can pat 180 thousand to 200 thousand..

Collecting normally article trade the market, like Mr Guo hand medium food coupon does not cross 100 yuan of fluctuation, but the price that the division of so called appraisal here gives out, it is every pieces of food coupon can sell 4 ~ 50 thousand yuan however, achieve the centuple above of market price, this lets Mr Guo very one's mind disturbed, can want to continue to understand when him when. . .

This appraisal division tells him however: "He says, I still cannot promise you now, say us this has high-end client, I must ask to you first, you have next homes this to receive, I just can recieve you this. He says particularly justifiably. He says particularly justifiably..

Those who be different from average company babble keep promoting, not anxious autograph makes an appointment with the staff member here to let him come home first however wait for a message, this lets Mr Guo believe this is an auction firm that bear the blame more, but the another killer mace that he does not know to this is to auction company use to come actually: Leave sb at large in order to apprehend him afterwards. The course designs the view of appraisal division and behavior beforehand. This got confirming over the staff member that auctions a company.

Some collects taste auction company operator some says Liu Mou: "When the client talks, talking term, those time of those china jade article that talk, those prices, include those figure, think they are very professional appraisal division, not be actually, they are chief inspector only, just talk about a client to us. Just talk about a client to us..

Original, division of this so called appraisal is the clerk that this company is in charge of talking about a client technically, not be personage of what appraisal major at all, are then they by what to give those who hide the cost that taste appraise?

On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be being cheated only, one allows!

Some is collected taste Han Mou of auction company director to tell a reporter, it is him clerk of appraise: "Because of the company they prepare, have special tariff. It is what food coupon, souvenir badge the thing of and so on of these imperial jade seal, it has fixed price, whats doesn't this have the the most expensive, cheapest, talk about the psychology of moment with the client according to the clerk namely, what presumable talks is tall, what some talking is low. What some talking is low..

Tibet tastes the discretion of quote to affect the collection that auctions poundage directly, the auction poundage that hides tasted appraise to be worth taller collection is taller, and to can earn this poundage, whatever thing went to this company to become the treasured object that value does not poor, and the job of division of so called appraisal should let clients be certain he collects leakage namely, the appraise value that gives out to them believes thoroughly.

Ms. Li says: "I feel impossible, where has this price? But did not forget, the market is such, you say it is small, it is done not have, you say it has, it is particularly big. It is particularly big..

So is this collected is tasting the market after all big be still small? Does these 4491 pieces food coupon have a person to buy after all? After a few days, mr Guo received this telephone call that auctions a company again.

Mr Guo says: "He calls me, ask me in his company, the obtains to print document of market department, he is that above the duplicate food coupon that has me already namely, a few are added below, according to the guest that he says even if I find to you, have next homes. Have next homes..

Look at these to buy intention, do not understand Mr Guo that collects moral affection to believe his food coupon is to have the market really even more. The food coupon that sees oneself when Mr Guo is imprinted in Tibet to taste a graph in the collection when, he begins to believe thoroughly. But over there the staff member that so called Tibet tastes graph collection to auction a company in this, it is a prison nevertheless these Tibet are friendly people prop.

False appraisal, false appraise is worth, the holiday buys the home, this auction firm adopts a way of elaborate design, set take Ms. Li, Mr Guo the accredit of these clients, the bed Tibet that lets these clients believe his namely is tasted can sell a considerable price really, taste Tibet give they are auctioned, such they are OK with " the help is auctioned " for collection brushstroke poundage.

Mr Guo says: "Say, we a commission of 10% , after waiting for an auction to be over, you get big head, we get middleman's fee, namely so those who say. If won't do to do do if how won't do to do,I say? He says later, you are at ease, you see so much want, the person queues up here, do you say to you can want without the person? Do you say to you can want without the person??

On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be being cheated only, one allows!

such, after Mr Guo handed in 30 thousand yuan, come home waiting to attend a meeting an auction. And before official sale is met, auction a company to still be a representative these collecting article preview did in hotel of 5 stars class, and inform Guo of the gentleman to with Ms. Li these clients go look exhibit. After Ms. Li goes looking, feel this thing special rely on chart.

Ms. Li tells a reporter, her food coupon was worth 1.2 million yuan by appraise, she thinks originally this price already very tall, but after seeing preview, the appraise value that she feels she covers food coupon then is not exaggerative, because be in,that baby that the value on preview does not poor still has a lot of.

On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be being cheated only, one allows!

Subsequently, the reporter is in Beijing the item on display that those value that police station of town of stage of abundant of substation of stage of abundant of public security bureau saw Ms. Li place says do not poor, antique calligraphy and painting, imperial jade seal, stamp, phyletic and rich. The reporter emphasizes those imperial jade seal that saw next Ms. Li place say, the weigh in hand that use a hand weigh in hand has weight very much really, can look again carefully, the some on these imperial jade seal still is writing 2008 the thematic word of the Olympic Games: Same a world, same a dream. The reporter that did not collect experience can see these alleged Tibet taste be bored with having a cat. But although these so called Tibet taste flaw 100, did not give up Tibet is friendly people enthusiastic, also did not delay an auction to be able to be held as scheduled.

The auction is met on, actioneer, contest pats person, greffier, everything needed is ready, look very normal. If want to go,the spot watchs an auction to meet, ms. Li that had met 80 thousand yuan of auctions to serve cost hands in 50 thousand yuan to should mortgage again even gold, if do not go the spot is OK also, when the food coupon that auctions her, the clerk can discover the auction what is actually happening of field to her, then Ms. Li saw the auction process of own food coupon on the mobile phone.

Look in Ms. Li, oneself food coupon auction is successful. The sale that Ms. Li viewed to auction a company to send her to the reporter is met spot video. In video, auctioning the price is one litre rises again really, rose 1.2 million yuan finally.

Detachment of detect of punishment of abundant stage substation turns over Beijing public security bureau header of summit of bilk group week expresses: "This auction was to cry finally 1.2 million, but keeping base price is 1.3 million, you did not achieve that to keep base price, also meet those who announce this the auction does not have reality trade. Also meet those who announce this the auction does not have reality trade..

What say here keeping base price is to point to before the auction can begin, the Tibet that auction firm can give Ms. Li is tasted beforehand set maintains base price standard, achieve this price to auction ability to calculate a success only. Although a food coupon is patted 1.2 million already was day price, but this keeps base price without what achieve auction firm set, because this auction also does not have a success, and this also is to auction a company to had been designed beforehand.

Original, these actioneers among video, contest pats person, greffier is false, sale price arrives impossibly forever keep base price, and commission also takes the your writing that client hands in not to come back again. This is so called the auction is met, just be this auction firm guides oneself perform Li Nv person, Mr Guo oneself a play of these victims. Old people is the main goal crowd of this kind of bilk. In interviewing, a lot of old people tell a reporter, they also have the experience that within an inch of is duped.

On antique imperial jade seal quarter " same a world is same a dream " , the old people in be being cheated only, one allows!

(the network matchs a plan)

Be aimed at this one problem, police also increased pair of this one type to collect the blow strength that tastes bilk case. Recently, beijing police destroys 3 bilk gang, detained 53 people; Shenzhen police also begins centralized operation, demolished with gang of type telecommunication bilk 6, criminal detains 141 people. Police is combing the discovery in this kind of case, the party of this kind of case has common characteristic.

Detachment of detect of punishment of abundant stage substation turns over Beijing public security bureau header of summit of bilk group week says: "The object that be aimed at is a likelihood have a bit knowledge to collecting Tibet to taste, but affirmation is not professional, because such person is decieved the most easily, feel the sky drops meat pie, be bungled to your head one day. Be bungled to your head one day..

In the meantime, police reminds everybody, participate in collect taste investment or auction, must arrive professional branch, not credulous phone, network is promoted, beware be deceived.

Collect the heavy disaster area that tastes group of the old age in becoming crook, bilk method also changes ceaselessly, and this cover a road newly to perform an auction to be able to come oneself through guiding oneself namely the gold of diddle old person. Face such annulus annulus photographs to buckle provide extremely puzzle a road of the gender pat, we do not have mentality of leak huntingn/arc repair the leaky part of a roof certainly.

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