Power add within the country put in birthplace 's charge, chinese great-great-grandfather return ho

Power add within the country put in birthplace 's charge, chinese great-great-grandfather return home after getting fame or money,

" chirp is alled over. Great-great-grandfather return to native place " as yuan medicinal powder in music realistic work, author Sui Jing Chen uses fancy and humorous folk language, "Evil the riches and honour when making return home after getting fame or money of " Chinese great-great-grandfather is honorable, it is in countryside civilian eye Liu Bang's affectation is funny.

" history write down " with " Chinese book " have account, BC 195 years, namely 12 years of winters after Liu Bang weighs the Supreme Being, after cloth of the Wang Ying austral calm down the Huaihe River rebels, triumphant in the way that winds day, ever returned birthplace abundant county to stay 10 come day. From of old Yi Jinzheng countryside, be the thing with complacent life. Achieve one's ambition of Liu state meaning calls together villagers completely to do luxurious party, extremely use up honour flourish.

Power add within the country put in birthplace 's charge, chinese great-great-grandfather return home after getting fame or money,

His wine to one's heart's content when perform a sword-dance sing loudly " fresh gale song " :" Fresh gale rises Yun Feiyang, power add within the country put in birthplace 's charge, how to get brave warrior defend all directions. "Only this one, also added temperament of a few minutes of poets for wilderness hero.

Average history record returns in glory Liu Bang this native place is written creditably, path the affection that he does not forget native land as the emperor. What reacts as to villagers of elders of a country or district and do not have account, presumably with civilian with happy should everyone is happy just is.

Sui Jing Chen depicts so in music however:

[Chirp is alled over] annunciate of president platoon door, but some appoint are not had turn incident. This appoint not common. Accept of one wall compartment is careless also, want to differ a husband again at the same time, all alone is dealt with. It is character car is driven, saying is area of a small tinkling bell, now reason of return to native place. Wang Xiang is old hold the stage that decide tile dish, zhao Manglang is holding wine calabash in the arms. Brush the babushka that come newly, just the silken unlined upper garment that thick comes to, free is makeup one large family very.

Be being told is one of these day in the morning, the president informs the emperor wants return to one's native place from door to door, must deal with well, everybody is bumbling good sit lively.

Next [play child] , [5 evil spirit] and [4 evil spirit] tone, the country that tell Liu returns the picture of ostentation and extravagance of countryside, grow senior team, various colors, there are a few to be worn curiously in the team strange bird person, there is flags in the hand, the villager not know admits halberd Gong He fork, axe Cheng regards as silver-colored ax, golden melon hammer regards as muskmelon, the day day shoe on gun needle thinks is stirrup...

Power add within the country put in birthplace 's charge, chinese great-great-grandfather return home after getting fame or money,

[3 boil] the car below that big fellow, everybody applies courtesy. Gaze of that big fellow gets a person not to have content. Numerous countryside often exhibits crural easy waist to do obeisance to, body of move of that big fellow begins to help up. Fierce but in look up gaze, know of gaze a long time, danger gas defeats my chest.

[2 evil spirit] your body must surname Liu, you wife beard surnames Lv. you two root foot is counted from the beginning. Your itself does booth to grow, delay a few cups of wine. Your wife's father teachs a village to learn, read a few books. Ever lived in my Zhuang Dong, ever also fed an ox to cut grass with me, drag dam to help up v hoe.

These two are told is Liu state great stature gets off come, defiant accept everybody pay homage to, I admit in the crowd, he is the blackguardly Liu San of the village so! Fine number his family property accumulated over a long time.

Next [one evil spirit] the mean thing: that remembers those who fall to he works? Cover He Yan of ご of the こ that climb high and steep to block R of doubt of part of the day to bite distant and out of sight of   Yi catchs lofty of Qiu of Ai of Huo of the tip of a twig;

[End] little my money, poor hair inward turning unplugs the millet that returns; to owe me, the illicit in tax provisions allows to divide. Only Liu San, who agrees to stay in of your hold tight? White what changed a last name, more is the name called out do Chinese great-great-grandfather?

Power add within the country put in birthplace 's charge, chinese great-great-grandfather return home after getting fame or money,

End song says, of course you became an emperor now, the v/arc land tax that owe can need project and grain tax from the official in secretly discount, can be Liu San ah Liu San, you bilk Zhang namely, who dare you Chinese does hold tight wear great-great-grandfather to be not put?

This divertimento enumerate Chinese great-great-grandfather in those days miserable and shabby with evil doing, the " of true body of " of careless root emperor of debunk civilian build up -- it is a countryside blackguardly! imperial majesty, royal costly and venerable field gives complete solution form, the farmer contempt to influential officials, including the comedic result that envies envious hate.

This shows, as only one of careless root emperors of 2, the apprentice with blackguardly " of Liu state one's early years " figure, really thorough popular feeling.

Power add within the country put in birthplace 's charge, chinese great-great-grandfather return home after getting fame or money,
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