If say we discuss nobody to drive still is a kind of technology only before a few years,look into, the distance dreams to be illuminated into reality to still have very a paragraph long the route should go.
But the last few years, the development of new generation IT such as communication of chip of high-end sensor, high end, 5G is swift and violent, had driven for nobody car start off is swept besides main obstacle, those who be afraid partial setting falls is unmanned drive those who want more dynamoelectric than new energy resources lorry to come is a lot of earlier.
A lot of people are talking about nobody to drive, actually of real significance nobody drive even if rely on car completely to be operated on any road, drive the person sleeps on board shut-eye, car can safe send destination you. But the great uncertainty that be enslaved to be enslaved to has technology and road case, true the time ability that nobody drive to need above 10 years at least comes true.
Most person thinks, nobody drive will gain ground to come in car of preexistence family expenses most, because family expenses car is cabinet agile, more convenient computer is held accuse.
Actually, just of this kind of viewpoint is not accorded with actual, because family expenses car is cabinet agile, be all-pervasive, the difficulty that so its face and technical challenge are taller, need role corner falls enclothe the communication network with low efficient defer, need sensitive response and fast apply the brake, all sorts of sudden states that appear suddenly in order to answer.
What nobody drive to be faced in civil domain is individual and dispersive, road uncertainty is tremendous, if urban public traffic, large-scale harbor and content shed van of garden area, freeway to form into columns,so business uses a field will be unmanned drive first applied setting.
Say for example, urban bus and large-scale harbor are secured because of the course, large content sheds garden division same travel course is fixed and fraise and sudden element is less, it is nobody drive better applied place. The author and card friend are emphasized today discuss, the another application setting that nobody drive, namely the travel that large freight car forms into columns to go up in the freeway.
A lot of metropolises blocking friend that had seen corpse movie are impressive to a camera lens, ahead both hands of a corpse and shoulder parallel, guide rear a flock of corpse jump the travel before the pace, the person that take the lead stops rear stop namely, the person that take the lead turns rear turn namely.
Prospective van nobody drive primary level follows this namely similar, ahead a van drives by the driver lead the way, rear with quantity of a move in chess or a movement in wushu nobody drive lorry, they and leading sheep movement maintain height to agree in coordination, implementation forms into columns travel.
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