Gather in spite of illness goes to beautiful IPO, deficit of 3 years of accumulative total is close

Gather in spite of illness goes to beautiful IPO, deficit of 3 years of accumulative total is close 200 million yuan,

Times of an ancient name for China ( report of Beijing of reporter Zhang Jie

Ever was suspected of because of earnings of product of layer upon layer extraction " 3 class cent is sold " and those who incur penalty gather, go to the United States with business of Chinese insider cable the first part lands Nasidake successfully.

American time on May 3, gather land Nasidake, stock code is YJ, open quotation price 13.42 dollars, by issue valence computation, include bear sell business to distribute carry out share above quota, beforehand appraise financing amount is in 139 million dollar, set the green shoe mechanism of 15% . Bear company of the gold in selling business to be mixed for credit of Magenshidanli, Switzerland, Magendatong.

Regard the another cable business from the build up that clean out treasure as platform, the appear on the market road that gathers 4 years appears and rough calm, because use a member to make cent sell means to be immersed in continuously,be suspected of passing sell difficult position, under high speed deficit gather whether turn over through IPO?

Deficit is close 200 million go to the United States

Obtain financing two rounds only gather, final in the cold winter of capital decision removes through going to beautiful IPO the capital pressure in dilate.

American time on May 3, gather land Nasidake, face put on sale of global capital market 11 million ADS, issue valence to be 11 dollars, collect capital 139 million dollar, the capital of this second collect basically is used at business dilate, enhance technical ability, optimize supply operation of catenary, capital.

The data shows, collect established the cloud in May 2015, be subordinate to belongs to actor of Zhejiang market trader to pick limited company of electronic business affairs. At the beginning of holding water, gather use S2B2C mode to sell the home to offer supply of goods for small business, with recruit small business merchant develops the means of personnel to obtain a guest to trade, but sell mode one minute this to suffer doubt fully. 2007, gather to be sold because of be suspected of passing eat below 9.58 million yuan of a huge sum to punish sheet, after this exert oneself from gregarious cable business to transition of insider cable business. End at present, gather to already finished financing two rounds, total financing forehead is 1 billion yuan about, investment just includes Zhong Ding to achieve cast, capital of vessel brightness investment, Hua Xing.

Hold a scale to go up from what gather at present look, gather father, CEO is like Shang Lue to be the biggest partner, hold 46.4% ; Zhong Ding is achieved cast to gather the 2nd large stockholder, hold 13.7% ; CPYD Singapore limited company is the 3rd large stockholder, hold 10.5% ; Gather chief skill Guan Haohuan is held 2.5% .

Gather the money newspaper data of exposure shows, gather 2016, mixed 2017 battalion closed to be 1.284 billion yuan respectively 2018, 6.444 billion yuan, thirteen billion and fifteen million yuan; 2016, mixed 2017 the GMV 2018 (clinch a deal amount) it is 1.8 billion yuan respectively, mix 22.7 billion yuan 9.6 billion yuan; And in gather while insanity is outspread, its deficit also increase sharply, 2016, mixed 2017 gathered 2018 net loss caustic is twenty-four million six hundred and sixty-eight thousand yuan respectively, 105 million yuan mix fifty-six million three hundred and twenty-six thousand yuan, deficit of 3 years of accumulative total is close 200 million yuan.

" times of an ancient name for China " the reporter consults data discovery, the fast dilate that gather basically relies on the membership number increase sharply after reform, and the member makes main consumptive a group of people of same interest, used 2015 especially " 3 class cent is sold " mode.

The data shows, so called 3 class cent sells pattern is, after the user obtains old merchant to invite, pay 365 yuan / year service fee, can become new merchant next, other user can invite to join platform later. Direct or merchant is indirect invite 160, after 1000 new merchant, can become respectively " adviser " , " copartner " , every invite a new merchant later, can part to get income from inside platform service fee, "Adviser " it is 170 yuan / person, "Copartner " it is 70 yuan / person.

Be based on a member to make the pattern receiving sentence below, gather the user growth rate of small shop is very rapid. 2016, gather the enrollment of small shop the user is 2.5 million, this one word rose to 16.9 million 2017, achieved 2018 23.2 million.

Book of raise capital by floating shares still shows, gather the GMV 2016 is small shop 1.8 billion yuan, rose to 9.6 billion 2017, grow 428.1% compared to the same period; GMV was 22.7 billion yuan 2018, grow 134.4% compared to the same period. Respect of order sum total, gather the order of small shop from 2016 13.5 million rise to 153.4 million 2018, with this computation, its guest unit price was 148 yuan about 2018.

Nevertheless this photograph compares what establish 3 months late to go all out great, the GMV that gather has not little difference however with the number that buy the home, former GMV achieved 471.6 billion yuan 2018, the amount that buy the home is 418.5 million, differ nearly 20 times. Apparently comparative is, battalion receives on two domestic criterion photographs about the same, go all out great battalion closed 2018 for 13.12 billion yuan of RMBs, only more than gathering piece 105 million.

Gather before this express, 2018, its of 66.4% trade by its the member finishs the forehead, gross of member paying fee was to reach 7.4 million person more, grow 155% compared to the same period, membership fee income is more 11.9% what occupy total battalion to close.

To this, the personage inside course of study says to reporter analysis, the member is made brought up the success that gather not only, also give gather the hot water that brought prospective progress, especially the abidance of inventory respect goes tall, the development that also did not come to gather brings not small variable.

Because commodity uses self-supporting pattern, gather the stock issue of small shop is notable also. Came 2016 during 2018, gather the inventory of small shop is 97.4 million yuan respectively, 332.8 million yuan mix 675.5 million yuan, as a result of,this basically is of sale increase and of SPU increase. To increase the rich sex of commodity, go 3 years in, gather the amount of the SPU of small shop is 837 respectively, 2315 mix 6613.

The member makes hard injury

"If say the member is made,accomplished gather, but make as a result of the member " 3 class cent is sold " mode, also let rise to gather mediumly receive developing difficult position, how transition, how to explore new pattern, ability from go up at all remove developing is hurt forcedly. " the personage inside course of study says to reporter analysis, but at this late hour, gather the development of mode still lies gray region.

Analysis of the personage inside course of study says, in the development train of thought that books slightly in Xiao Shang, begin distribution " 3 class cent is sold " be suspected of passing annul, how to break through the established thinking before this, also decided future gathers the success or failure of development is crucial.

The data shows, in hold water gather before small shop, be like Shang Lue is an inn-keeper that clean out treasure, the product of own brand perfume that he establishs " small also perfume " , in the perfume that clean out treasure kind eye is ranked the first, but he realizes in small the cost winning a customer that sells the home is very high, contend very hard with big firm, then he decides to hold water gather small shop, do exactly the opposite, connect user cent to sell goods to general through gather KOL, use gregarious network to reduce the demand that electric business convection estimates.

And the sale pattern that Xiao Shang takes slightly is cent sell pattern, namely one year 365 yuan charge can make user pay " merchant " , merchant can be become through inviting new user " merchant " it is certain to get proportional " cloud money " ; If invite " merchant " the amount reachs certain level, former merchant can be become " adviser " , "Adviser " again one class can make upgrade " copartner " .

Have an advantage because of the development before this just about " 3 class cent is sold " train of thought is suspected of passing annul, also let gather entered developing inflection point.

The data shows, may 2017, gather inn because " 3 class cent is sold " disobey " prohibit passing sell byelaw " , market of Hangzhou bank river was received to supervise management board to punish sheet in May 2017, confiscate illegal earning to make an appointment with 8.08 million yuan, fine 1.5 million yuan.

Suffer this effect, gather wholy-owned subsidiary " limited company of science and technology of network of Zhejiang market dealer " the banner issues order of small letter public by permanent seal date, at present principal part of number of Zhang of date of company government public is " gather share limited company of science and technology " .

"Although gather after May 2017,try from ' 3 class cent is sold ' walk out of in the shadow, but after reform ' one class cent is sold ' in the train of thought that mode appears and did not sell from 3 class cent complete eliminate. " afore-mentioned personages are told to the reporter, changing a name not to change train of thought is to gather at present it seems that real current situation, the sale pattern that how makes independence is to gather at present the biggest challenge.

The reporter understands, in new " one class cent is sold " below mode, the user after obtaining old merchant to invite needs to pay 398 yuan only / year serve Fei Kecheng to be new merchant, every invite a new merchant after, advocate direct or after inviting 100 new merchant secondhand, can become an officer, after merchant invites group strength to amount to 1000 people, director but contest hires a manager.

"This one mode already wandered in gray region. " afore-mentioned personages express, gathered 2016 after reform " one class cent is sold " mode still has " 3 class cent is sold " the trace of mode, one class divides sold merchant, director and manager, do not have too apparent difference with the level that sells pattern with 3 class cent it seems that.

In addition, although gathered 2018 battalion closes it is 13.12 billion yuan to be compared only go all out much how many 105 million, but in build storage oneself, honor the agreement cost has optimize wait for a respect to also gather summary prep above travels together.

Gather money newspaper shows, the data that book of raise capital by floating shares discloses shows, up to on December 31, 2018, gather 5 17 in building storehouse establishment to include 17 oneself center storehouse, area warehouse that small shop owns, forward position deserve to send center and 2 supermarkets storehouse, gross area makes an appointment with 323517 square metre, distributing in 23 cities.

Gather money newspaper shows, gather the book of raise capital by floating shares of small shop shows, its go 3 years inside honor the agreement the proportion that cost holds gross earnings is respectively 14.4% , 8.8% with 8.9% . The data shows, 2018 money year, yamaxun, Beijing east and taste only of the meeting honor the agreement the proportion that cost holds gross earnings is 14.6, 7% with 8.8% .

Continuously below the setting that root of hard injury of deficit and member divides hard, gather this the IPO that go to the United States can from go up to increase and expand at all business, strengthen technical capability to realize counterattack finally? To this, our newspaper reporter will pay close attention to continuously.

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