3 centuries go to BC between 2 centuries, commerce network is in Europe the Yibiliya of southwest ministry crisscross of the freely on the peninsula, amber it is at that time a kind of of be current very rare and precious commodity. Researcher discovers wh some of which is amber now is the very good counterfeit of camouflage actually, they suspected a lot of buyer previously to be cheated by these false gem!
Amber (copy is tasted)
Carlos Aodeliaozunla says the archaeologist of university of Wei Liya of Spanish a place of strategic importance that heads this new research: "This is pair of very valuable data that record first on European prehistoric history be modelled on. "This is pair of very valuable data that record first on European prehistoric history be modelled on..
Amber it is a kind of distinctive organic gem, form by the archaic colophony that is buried below the tree originally, those who present translucence is aureate with orange tonal. The history that the mankind collects this kind of gem had exceeded 13000, have amber the society that waiting for of all kinds jewellery is European prehistoric period is indicative.
Abstruse assist is pulled in abstruse heart and his colleague is dug in two graveyard in Spain gave amber bead. Among them a graveyard is near Wei Liya of Spanish south a place of strategic importance, this relics is called Lamolina, its history is OK restrospect to BC 3000. Another graveyard is near Barcelona, this relics but restrospect to BC 2000. Two graveyard discovered 6 bead in all, look very similar, show different result till chemical analysis, researcher just knows to have 4 is faker, having 2 is true amber.
Researcher expresses, these sham bead special resemble amber really, when matching with amber design as a result when the analysis so, themselves also feels very bemused. But they are a bit excited however on the other hand, because this means them,discovered the amber counterfeit of prehistoric. Study further discovery, mollusc carapace formed the core of these bead. The colophony that besmeared one may be extracted from pine outside all bead, archaeologist suspects this kind of coating was to imitate amber exterior.
Trade crafty plot
Although know these bead are false, but the account that everybody still is seeking them why to exist. Aodeliaozunla and his colleague offerred 3 kinds of possible explanations, one is amber and special infrequent and rare, true amber shortage aroused the production of mimic. Or, for truly lapidary to canning not afford society member, produce a kind with amber the low cost finished product that has same society function is very possible also. But the 3rd kind circumstance possibility is the largest, unavailable of these rare commodity trade business development goes bogus to risk article, regard as taste really offer the client that cheats them. The bead of daub of these 4 colophony and two true amber bead, size and figure are almost same. True on the vision bead and sham product look just the same.
It is remarkable behavior of the mankind to the pursuit of influence and fortune, middleman passes beguiling wealthy person completely possibly to get money. Aodeliaozunla states they serve as well-trained archaeologist by these false amber deceit, that cans be imagined the wealthy person of prehistoric is cheated also is not impossible!
Do not know contemporary with " classy person pose as " , what criticise China is modelled on easily is European, before seeing their ancestor more than 10000 years, begin to make " fake " be why impressions?