Be suspected of great place crime, the municipal government of abscond former deputy secretary-gener

Recently, centrally is chased after escape do guidance to coordinate, heilongjiang province is chased after escape do and discipline of peony river city appoint inspect appoint the peony river municipal government of abscond of dread punishment for one's crime Cheng Peng of former deputy secretary-general is in peony river city some village is seized.

Be suspected of great place crime, the municipal government of abscond former deputy secretary-general is caught

This year in Feburary, because Cheng Peng is suspected of be being violated badly discipline is saved by Heilongjiang with bribery crime discipline of peony river city appoint inspect appoint put on record examines investigation. On Feburary 23, abscond of Cheng roc dread punishment for one's crime. Censorial mechanism and public security mechanism cooperate record be careful in one's conduct cheek by jowl, undertake chasing to Cheng Peng, capture the Cheng Peng of abscond much ground finally bring to justice.

On April 16, public security bureau of city of river of Heilongjiang province peony releases a chasing after to escape announce, chase after escape Cheng Peng of former to seeming peony river municipal government deputy secretary-general.

Announce says, cheng Peng is suspected of great place committing a crime, broke couplet on Feburary 26, 2019.

Be suspected of great place crime, the municipal government of abscond former deputy secretary-general is caught

According to making public resume, cheng Peng was born in June 1965, person of Liaoning black hill. Work for a long time in peony river city, have successively held the posts of director of bureau of director of bureau of foreign trade of city of river of subprefect of Dong Ning county, peony, business affairs to wait for duty.

2006, cheng Peng holds the post of peony river city east bring a district appoint secretary, transfer brought city rather 2010 (prefectural class city) appoint secretary.

Be suspected of great place crime, the municipal government of abscond former deputy secretary-general is caught

According to report of website of peony river municipal government, cheng Peng ever expressed when accepting a special report, he hangs common people the people's livelihood in mind from beginning to end, he says, current had done the assault fortified positions that help deficient up to regard the oldest politics as the task and project of the first the people's livelihood, comprehend seriously " essence of life helps deficient up definitely, do not fall one person " should justice, entering extensively into the village door, on the foundation that in-depth survey tries to find out the real intention, undertake unity plan, unified research, unified guidance, fulfil a side to help responsibility up by unit of the job that be stationed in a village, each villages and towns assumes this villages and towns to help responsibility of deficient main body up, cadre of broad Party member fulfils a bag to help responsibility up, form working resultant force up and down, hit stoutly win battle of deficient assault fortified positions.

Cheng roc resume

Cheng Peng, male, the Han nationality, unripe in June 1965, person of Liaoning black hill, joined a Chinese Communist in April 1987, had a job in August 1988, major of tax of Heilongjiang university wealth graduates, university record of formal schooling, ever held the post of deputy secretary-general of peony river municipal government.

1985, student of college of medicine of 1988 peony river

1988, 1989 chicken on the west city external secretary of economic Board of Trade

1989, foreign trade of bureau of foreign trade of city of 1992 peony river appoint secretary

1992, 1993 peony river external vice director of office of economic Board of Trade

1993, trade of classics of city of 1996 peony river appoint section chief of integrated guidance division

1996, director of office of bureau of collaboration of foreign trade economy of city of 1997 peony river

1997, deputy director general of bureau of collaboration of foreign trade economy of city of 1998 peony river, labour appoint committee member

1998, subprefects of 2000 Dong Ning county

2000, system of foreign trade of city of 2005 peony river is versed in appoint hurried of director of bureau of secretary, foreign trade, foreign capital director, trade meets chairman (during: 2003.06, 2005.12 hold peony river city part-time to be opposite secretary of leading Party group of area of garden of Russian commerce industry, canal appoint conference chairman)

2005, system of business affairs of city of 2006 peony river is versed in appoint director of bureau of vice secretary, business affairs

2006, city of river of peony of 2010 the Communist Party of China east bring a district appoint secretary

Held the post of the Communist Party of China to install secretary of municipal Party committee rather 2010

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