Occupy month of American CNN 5 4 days to report, singer of energy of life of a person sends pornographic video to oneself because of the vermicelli made from bean starch with minor coax, was sentenced 10 years to imprison recently.
Austin Jones (Austin Jones) go up in YouTube quite somebody is angry, he 26 years old breaks up had sung countless popular song, had undertaken completely beautiful make one's rounds acts, his most song is confused is teen-age girl.
The bearing dishonourable when Jones often interacts with young vermicelli made from bean starch because of be in and suffer criticism, june 2015, jones released a paragraph of video of 16 minutes on YouTube, he is orthoptic in video camera lens, admit oneself ever asked vermicelli made from bean starch sends video of electric buttock dance to him.
Besides, he asks the video that oneself large scale dances sends teen-age female vermicelli made from bean starch him even, to take these video, he tells girls, what send these video ability to prove them only is dead faithful, and acceptance, he can help female vermicelli made from bean starch people have his moment on Instagram.
According to the indictment, jones still can teach girls how transcribe such indelicate video.
According to divulging, jones admits he uses Facebook to persuade minor girl to send large scale video and graph film contract 30 times to him. Among them a girl sent about 15 paragraphs of video that she dances to him in all, include 10 paragraphs of exposed video among them.
In June 2017, qiongsiyin makes the accusation of children pornography work be arrested, jones admitted his guilt eventually this year in Feburary, he admits coax 6 year only video of minor girl transcribe sends him, qiongsiyin this is sentenced 10 years to imprison.
American assistant inquisitor Kathleen Neifu Welsh (does Katherine Neff Welsh) say: in governmental judgment? Apprentice of pa chart Jie mails miasma to enter of Qiang of stool of leisurely of be jealous of of ┞ of suck of provide for over sixty years of age to urinate cheek of litter of refute of of of of form of fermium of crock of Mu showing an ancient nationality in China embeds road of of Zhen of exuviate to step on channel of G Mang of alarm of pancreas of Mei of eight of M of φ of Xiong of Meng of male form ! ?