Day net extensive! Cheng Peng of deputy secretary-general of former peony river is suspected of absc

On May 5, central discipline appoint national prison appoint website dispatch says, recently, centrally is chased after escape do guidance to coordinate, heilongjiang province is chased after escape do and discipline of peony river city appoint inspect appoint the peony river municipal government of abscond of dread punishment for one's crime Cheng Peng of former deputy secretary-general is seized.

 Day net extensive! Cheng Peng of deputy secretary-general of former peony river is suspected of abscond of bribery dread punishment for one's crime 2 lunar hind are seized

? This year in Feburary, because Cheng Peng is suspected of be being violated badly discipline is saved by Heilongjiang with bribery crime discipline of peony river city appoint inspect appoint put on record examines investigation. On Feburary 23, abscond of Cheng roc dread punishment for one's crime. On April 16, peony river public security releases a chasing after to escape the clue that all circles of announcement appeal society and numerous people provide guilty suspect Cheng Peng actively, inform against, arouse, the admonish is at large personnel a criminal give himself up to the police confesses his crime.

 Day net extensive! Cheng Peng of deputy secretary-general of former peony river is suspected of abscond of bribery dread punishment for one's crime 2 lunar hind are seized

Public data shows, cheng Peng, male, the Han nationality, unripe in June 1965, person of Liaoning black hill, joined a Chinese Communist in April 1987, had a job in August 1988, major of tax of Heilongjiang university wealth graduates, university record of formal schooling, ever held the post of deputy secretary-general of peony river municipal government.

 Day net extensive! Cheng Peng of deputy secretary-general of former peony river is suspected of abscond of bribery dread punishment for one's crime 2 lunar hind are seized

On Feburary 23, 2019, abscond of Cheng roc dread punishment for one's crime. Day net extensive, scanty and do not leak, after 2 many months, the Cheng Peng of abscond much ground still is captured to bring to justice in some village.

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