"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down

"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down

To ensure " 51 " during situation of transportation of road of area under administration is stabilized in safety, group of policeman of substation of Han Bin public security begins wine to drive night to check concentration to act continuously, adopt strong step severity to hit wine to drive drunk drive illegal criminality, cogent safeguard is broad the life property of people is safe, strong road transportation safety is expedite during safeguarding holiday. Came 4 days on May 1, the group investigates wine to draw illegal action 27 cases in all.

"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down

During the holiday, each squadron with department of line of mainstay of area under administration, urban and rural union, public place of entertainment, commerce the circumjacent road such as flourishing area and photograph adjacent crossing attach most importance to a dot, outstanding punish is nodded linkage cooperates, adopt the platoon that set card is checked and patrol the pattern that investigates photograph tie, severe blow wine is driven drunk drive poison wait for serious traffic to violate act. In the action, be on duty the policeman is normative and strict justice, civilized execute the law, use execute the law the instrument such as instrument of recorder, alcohol, camera, had done break the law investigate obtain evidence the job. Violate act to traffic driving after investigated wine, strict according to legal laws and regulations, make corresponding punishment lawfully, cogent form state of severe canal high pressure, strong awe traffic violates a person.

"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down

Drive after investigating wine while traffic violates act, after the policeman explains wine actively still to illegal party and circumjacent masses, drive, drunk wine drives the harm sex of illegal behavior, make its recognize violates the serious harm of behavior, achieve punishment, the propagandist effect that teachs, advocate consciousness of broad traffic participator to abide by highway code, defend road transportation safety jointly.

"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down

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"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down

The nucleus stalks of grain: Ma Anting

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"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down"51 " holiday is severe check wine to drive do not loosen 27 " drunk cat " be hunted down
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