Does the net pass Jin Tan does highway of money endowment lake produce serious traffic accident do 5

Now, a paragraph of video is in friend of basin of small letter of golden altar person encircles transmission

Caused the panic of partial person

As it is said a serious traffic accident happens in money endowment lake highway

In video, barge against of two cars miserable intense

There are 5 people to lie on the ground by of the car

Had built on the head on cloth

Does the net pass Jin Tan does highway of money endowment lake produce serious traffic accident do 5 people die? The truth is here!

(video cut pursues)

When small make up after be informed this message

Hurry to the spot instantly

Small make up in money endowment lake rambled a few rounds

Did not see the accident produces a spot

The street lamp in comparative video and road

Small make up discovery to all be mixed highway has difference near money endowment lake

Does the net pass Jin Tan does highway of money endowment lake produce serious traffic accident do 5 people die? The truth is here!

Then the search on little net sth resembling a net search

Result not search does not know, one search is frightened jump

This has traffic accident and did not happen in Jin Tan

Does the net pass Jin Tan does highway of money endowment lake produce serious traffic accident do 5 people die? The truth is here!

The truth came!

As we have learned, the accident ground of this accident is Harbin

On June 13, 2018 18 when make 5 minutes

Bank water highway Hu Lan paragraph produce accident of two cars barge against one case

Cause 5 people death, 7 people to get hurt

Does the net pass Jin Tan does highway of money endowment lake produce serious traffic accident do 5 people die? The truth is here!

The rumor stops Yu Zhi person, the hope is broad golden altar citizen, not start a rumour, do not spread rumor, do not believe rumor!

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